Hello everyone just wondering if anyone is experience crashes under heavy cpu workloads ie exporting large amount of photos or exporting 4k footage. My iMac specs is
2017 iMac i5 7600K
64gb ram (Corsair 4 x 16gb ddr4 2400mhz sodimm ram) Ram was tested with Rember and it passes the test
It also crashes if i just use 2 x 16gb dual channeled in the middle of export.
I placed back my 32gb of ram (4 x 8gb Corsair ram) and it works fine. It seems like running anything over 8gb sticks it can't handle it? If anyone experience this problem please chime in. Help much appreciated. Thanks.
2017 iMac i5 7600K
64gb ram (Corsair 4 x 16gb ddr4 2400mhz sodimm ram) Ram was tested with Rember and it passes the test
It also crashes if i just use 2 x 16gb dual channeled in the middle of export.
I placed back my 32gb of ram (4 x 8gb Corsair ram) and it works fine. It seems like running anything over 8gb sticks it can't handle it? If anyone experience this problem please chime in. Help much appreciated. Thanks.