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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
May 3, 2015
London, UK
So in light of the election result and the market reacting strongly... (with the GBP looking stronger against the USD in longer term) will we see a new pricing update with the 2017 refresh? (i.e. lower prices?)
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Apple didn't raise prices in the UK immediately following Brexit, they waited for around 3-4 months (iOS device prices were raised and followed that with Mac and Accessory raises). They raised the prices in Europe in 2015 and again this year.

Trump won't be 'in' until 20th January 2017, so the currency may slide over that period and then some. That is 2 months, then there's the 'what will he do/say' period, so Feb/march 2017 for the currency to recover....

Will be very interesting to see what happens with global pricing, my general feeling is Apple won't reduce prices at all, they are aiming at being more elite with a premium price. When the boot is on the other foot I doubt they will oblige by reducing prices to sane levels, just like the Apple of the 90's.

(How the premium pricing strategy works when you throw compromised design in to the mix we shall see....but that is another argument for a different thread!)
Maybe the increased prices were prebuilt in in case of this happening.
Well in the Q4 investor call their CFO claimed that they are taking the strong dollar as a new standard and expect their margins to be unaffected. But now that the dollar will most likely be weaker it does make me wonder and hope for a possible price adjustment in the next refresh.
Have Apple ever lowered prices of current lines ? Apart from dongles !!


over here in Australia, we are always at mercy of the exchange rate...

Apple are slow to pass on the savings, but they have done here in the past.

Still have to pay the extra apple tax though
At best you might see a £100 drop, but is that worth not having a machine for 3-6 months, maybe longer?
At best you might see a £100 drop, but is that worth not having a machine for 3-6 months, maybe longer?
well it buys time to make up ones mind if they are undecided between multiple machines and multiple specs :p I have a nice 15" but I'm envious of the manoeuvrability of the 13" especially the new ones. Would love to sell this and get one of them, but the touchbar ones are too expensive and the non touchbar ones would be a silly waste of money. Chances are I'll probably hold onto my 15" since my only complaint is its lack of manoeuvrability (really tricky to find a desk that is big enough to hold the MBP and still have room for a mouse haha).
At best you might see a £100 drop, but is that worth not having a machine for 3-6 months, maybe longer?

There is no such thing apples laptops are perceived to be more expensive but when you match them spec for spec they are usually fairly competitive.
The dollar is in flux today, but it will settle down, so I don't expect any long term changes to Apple's pricing.

There is no such thing apples laptops are perceived to be more expensive but when you match them spec for spec they are usually fairly competitive.
I disagree, the apple tax is a real thing, they're more expensive then many other computers.
The dollar is in flux today, but it will settle down, so I don't expect any long term changes to Apple's pricing.

I disagree, the apple tax is a real thing, they're more expensive then many other computers.

I've been pricing these lately spec for spec. And interestingly, there is very little price difference between comparably equipped computers. For example, for the highest end 13" I keep coming up close to $3,000 for all of the comparable computers. It's the same when comparing a Dell Precision 15" with the 15" MacBook Pro. I'm loading these up with 1 tb , 16 gig, and the fastest processor available on each. Really, the difference in the US isn't all that much and certainly not as bad as as folks here have portrayed it.
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I've been pricing these lately spec for spec
There are laptops out there that are premium priced just as well, but I don't think that means Apple is competitively priced

I can get a 15" Dell XPS with 16GB of DDR4 ram, 512GB of SSD storage, a Nvidia 960m dGPU, a 84 Whr battery for 1650

A 15" MBP with a 512 SSD is going to run me 2,600 dollars and it comes with a smaller battery. That looks like almost a 1,000 dollars more
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It's to early to call really, Apple wont make any changes to the pricing structure until next years refresh anyway so the market will have had chance to settle/recover before then.
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