The question of “which one should I get” comes up alot and I get asked more times than I care to answer from friends and colleagues. I’ve been wanting to compare the 2 devices and today ended up being a good day to do so. These are basic tests on my day to day usage scenarios. I dont do alot of photo editing and zero video editing. I primarily use the devices to run a business on the financial end of things. Quickbooks, Mail, Word, Numbers/Excel and some video throughout the day.
Disclaimer: Both devices have the latest updates and same software versions. The Pro has 110 cycles on the battery but Coconut battery reports 98.5% life left. The Air is new. Both devices are base models with 8gb of ram. The only difference is my Pro has 512gb storage and the Air has 256gb of storage. Both devices were wiped clean and each app was installed in the same order mirroring each device. All settings have also been mirrored between devices. No other apps were in use during the below tests. Bluetooth, wifi, location services etc were left on to simulate day to day usage. Bluetooth was not connected to any device. Wifi was connected to the same 5g connection on both devices and they were side by side 15 feet from the router. Auto-brightness left on both devices in hopes to have roughly the same level of screen brightness on each device since I don’t have a meter. True-Tone is turned on for the Pro. Volume was at the same level on each device.
Battery Life (Full capacity verified with coconut battery. Air would not go above 99% in CB even after 2 hours of being plugged in. Pictures below):
Same Youtube Video, played in Safari, on loop for 2 hours from 100% charge.
- Air down to 74.6%
- Pro down to 74.9%
Mac OS showed 78% for the Air and 79% for the Pro which I found interesting.
Same local video played for 1 hour in VLC from the percentage listed above (Air 74.6%, Pro 74.9%)
- Air down to 60.1%
- Pro down to 61.2%
Mac OS showed 65% for the Air and 66% for the Pro.
Charge Time:
Air - Roughly 3 hours
Pro - Roughly 2 hours
Opening Photoshop CC 2018 (Fresh Reboot)
- Air 5.93 seconds
- Pro 5.13 seconds
Quit Photoshop and reopen after 30 seconds
- Air 3.59 seconds
- Pro 2.46 seconds
New Install Intel Power Gadget (I had downloaded it before tests began and hadn't installed it on either machine until now)
- Air 1:23.44
- Pro 0:43.48
Open Microsoft Word from fresh reboot
- Air 4.87 Seconds
- Pro 3.26 Seconds
Reboot (From when the Apple logo appeared)
- Air 21.25 Seconds
- Pro 21.24 Seconds
Heat (Using Intel Power Gadget):
10 minutes of idle
- Air 32.60C
- Pro 29.60C
10 minutes of the same Youtube video in Safari
- Air 43.10C
- Pro 37.30C
Back to battery life:
After finishing these tests the batteries are as follows.
- Air down to 52.2%
- Pro down to 53.6%
Mac OS showed 55% for the Air and 56% for the Pro.
I’m rather shocked by the results in regards to battery. The main reason I got an Air was for more battery life. Maybe this gets better after a few cycles but I don’t see it getting that much better. The Pro, with 110 cycles, and 98.5% life, not only maintained with the Air but actually had more juice left in every scenario.
As for speed, I knew the Pro would be faster so no surprise there. I really thought the reboot would be much faster for the Pro.
Heat wise, the Pro clearly does better in this regards and I wouldn't expect anything less.
My Opinion:
Where the Air used to shine in battery life, it just isn't the case when the Pro has the bigger battery. The Pro has a better screen in terms of brightness, True Tone and the P3 Wide Color Gamut. If you can afford the cost increase which varies week to week, the Pro is the better buy imo. At this point Im thinking I will return the Air and get another Pro since I need 1 for the office and 1 for the home. I'd much rather have the extra power and better screen.
Heres the screenshots and some side by side comparison pics.

Disclaimer: Both devices have the latest updates and same software versions. The Pro has 110 cycles on the battery but Coconut battery reports 98.5% life left. The Air is new. Both devices are base models with 8gb of ram. The only difference is my Pro has 512gb storage and the Air has 256gb of storage. Both devices were wiped clean and each app was installed in the same order mirroring each device. All settings have also been mirrored between devices. No other apps were in use during the below tests. Bluetooth, wifi, location services etc were left on to simulate day to day usage. Bluetooth was not connected to any device. Wifi was connected to the same 5g connection on both devices and they were side by side 15 feet from the router. Auto-brightness left on both devices in hopes to have roughly the same level of screen brightness on each device since I don’t have a meter. True-Tone is turned on for the Pro. Volume was at the same level on each device.
Battery Life (Full capacity verified with coconut battery. Air would not go above 99% in CB even after 2 hours of being plugged in. Pictures below):
Same Youtube Video, played in Safari, on loop for 2 hours from 100% charge.
- Air down to 74.6%
- Pro down to 74.9%
Mac OS showed 78% for the Air and 79% for the Pro which I found interesting.
Same local video played for 1 hour in VLC from the percentage listed above (Air 74.6%, Pro 74.9%)
- Air down to 60.1%
- Pro down to 61.2%
Mac OS showed 65% for the Air and 66% for the Pro.
Charge Time:
Air - Roughly 3 hours
Pro - Roughly 2 hours
Opening Photoshop CC 2018 (Fresh Reboot)
- Air 5.93 seconds
- Pro 5.13 seconds
Quit Photoshop and reopen after 30 seconds
- Air 3.59 seconds
- Pro 2.46 seconds
New Install Intel Power Gadget (I had downloaded it before tests began and hadn't installed it on either machine until now)
- Air 1:23.44
- Pro 0:43.48
Open Microsoft Word from fresh reboot
- Air 4.87 Seconds
- Pro 3.26 Seconds
Reboot (From when the Apple logo appeared)
- Air 21.25 Seconds
- Pro 21.24 Seconds
Heat (Using Intel Power Gadget):
10 minutes of idle
- Air 32.60C
- Pro 29.60C
10 minutes of the same Youtube video in Safari
- Air 43.10C
- Pro 37.30C
Back to battery life:
After finishing these tests the batteries are as follows.
- Air down to 52.2%
- Pro down to 53.6%
Mac OS showed 55% for the Air and 56% for the Pro.
I’m rather shocked by the results in regards to battery. The main reason I got an Air was for more battery life. Maybe this gets better after a few cycles but I don’t see it getting that much better. The Pro, with 110 cycles, and 98.5% life, not only maintained with the Air but actually had more juice left in every scenario.
As for speed, I knew the Pro would be faster so no surprise there. I really thought the reboot would be much faster for the Pro.
Heat wise, the Pro clearly does better in this regards and I wouldn't expect anything less.
My Opinion:
Where the Air used to shine in battery life, it just isn't the case when the Pro has the bigger battery. The Pro has a better screen in terms of brightness, True Tone and the P3 Wide Color Gamut. If you can afford the cost increase which varies week to week, the Pro is the better buy imo. At this point Im thinking I will return the Air and get another Pro since I need 1 for the office and 1 for the home. I'd much rather have the extra power and better screen.
Heres the screenshots and some side by side comparison pics.

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