Anyone here buy. 15” MacBook Pro and excessive ram usage issues? With only Safari open on an Ultrawide monitor with 3 windows and around 9 tabs open my MacBook Pro is using over 10GB of RAM which I think is crazy too much
on my old macbook (2008), i used to disable swap completely while working in logic. Had a couple of glorious crashes when the usage went over.This is much better compared to Windows where if you'd double/quadruple your RAM to help with multitasking on applications or loading vast libraries it doesn't seem to make any great difference. Applications on Windows would still frustratingly page to the disk in equal measure as they did before the RAM upgrade.
I remember begging Windows/Cubase to use the 10GB additional RAM I just installed instead of paging to disk when loading VSTs and crippling performance. Boy were those the days. I could never go back to that.
on my old macbook (2008), i used to disable swap completely while working in logic. Had a couple of glorious crashes when the usage went over.
Anyone here buy. 15” MacBook Pro and excessive ram usage issues? With only Safari open on an Ultrawide monitor with 3 windows and around 9 tabs open my MacBook Pro is using over 10GB of RAM which I think is crazy too much
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