Depends upon what you use your MacBook Pro for. If it's just to surf the internet and do email - waste of money. If to do creative work like image or video editing, then it's worth it.
I do use it for Video and Photo Editing and also use Maya for Computer Animation so I will definitely get good use out of it but its normally $1,000 more expensive that the price I got it for.
I thought that price looked really low. Sounds like a heck of a deal for a 32 GB system.
Is this a new system? If so, can you post a link for others to get in on this deal?
I thought that price looked really low. Sounds like a heck of a deal for a 32 GB system.
Is this a new system? If so, can you post a link for others to get in on this deal?
'Deal', lol.
Most people selling these likely know the keyboard is a ticking time bomb, praying they find a person who doesn't know and will pay good money for a fundamentally flawed machine.
It is a new machine, not used. If it was used then I would agree.
I am following quite clear and have purchased a 2016 and 2017 model in the past already and had keyboard issues so I have been there done that. The main reasons how I got to those sticking key issues were due to heat otherwise I never had issues with the keyboards. I don't eat all over the laptop and don't drag it thru the sand like some of these folks do and had my previous rMBP for 7 years without a single issue. I personally think with the 2018 models the keyboards were tweaked enough with the silicone membrane underneath each key to not have such a gigantic fail rate as the previous models. Im not saying the keyboard is down right awesome and the best out there, no not even close, however I do believe this issue is much less widespread on the 2018 models as compared to previous versions and since I'm legit saving $1000 off retail on this device, I can EASILY sell it and not lose practically any money at all.You're not following. ALL 2016-2018 MacBook pros and MacBooks have a flawed keyboard design that is ticking time bomb.
New or used, it doesn't matter.
AppleCare (assuming you are paying for this extortion) will pay for the first couple of failures. The cost to you will be the hassle and time without your laptop. Then after AppleCare expires, your flawed machine is your problem, and your expense, period.
Why bother with all this?!?!
Read the LINK!
I just ordered the 2018 15" MacBook Pro with the 2.6 GHz i7, 32 GB RAM, 512 GB SSD, and Vega 20 for $2,717 tax included from Apple. Good Deal?
It is a new machine yes and I will link it to you below.
It is a new machine, not used. If it was used then I would agree.
I just speced that machine following your link, and I came out with $3194 for the same configuration.
I dunno. I have been very pleased with the performance of the 560x but other than video games I thought the 13" dual core model was more than adequate for stitching together my 4k GoPro footage.
If it's a professional expense I think it's worth it if it saves a substantial amount of your time every day. If you're just a hobbyist or student then I'd pass.
i wouldn't be so sure, there is a guy in marketplace who just lost 2 grand on his mbp sale.I am following quite clear and have purchased a 2016 and 2017 model in the past already and had keyboard issues so I have been there done that. The main reasons how I got to those sticking key issues were due to heat otherwise I never had issues with the keyboards. I don't eat all over the laptop and don't drag it thru the sand like some of these folks do and had my previous rMBP for 7 years without a single issue. I personally think with the 2018 models the keyboards were tweaked enough with the silicone membrane underneath each key to not have such a gigantic fail rate as the previous models. Im not saying the keyboard is down right awesome and the best out there, no not even close, however I do believe this issue is much less widespread on the 2018 models as compared to previous versions and since I'm legit saving $1000 off retail on this device, I can EASILY sell it and not lose practically any money at all.
i wouldn't be so sure, there is a guy in marketplace who just lost 2 grand on his mbp sale. 2 grand? I didn't even lose 2 grand selling my 2012 15"rMBP after 7 years and I just sold it last week. Seems very odd that he lost 2k when its their latest model.
Still not seeing your price using military store link.If you place it under a business or military discount you get to the price I advertised.
Still not seeing your price using military store link.
I meant going through the same process in the military storelink , not seeing the same price.You just quoted the picture that he posted directly from the apple website.. Isn't that black and white enough for you?
The main reasons how I got to those sticking key issues were due to heat otherwise I never had issues with the keyboards. I don't eat all over the laptop and don't drag it thru the sand like some of these folks do and had my previous rMBP for 7 years without a single issue.
I meant going through the same process in the military storelink , not seeing the same price.