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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
May 20, 2006
I have a max spec 2019 15" macbook pro as my work laptop (apart from the SSD). I recently bought a Studio Display as I managed to get one for a good price so took the plunge. The macbook seems to have the fans on full all day now- I don't do anything particularly taxing. Excel is always open with multiple spreadsheets, I use safari browser, and I also always have STIBO system's STEP database software running all day as well (believe this runs off Java).

The battery needs a service, and the touchbar is flakey (flickers, sometimes blank), but it's still a usable machine, or was until I got the studio display. Now the fans are blazing, it stutters quite often, if I'm on a teams call I can barely use any other apps, trying to share screen is a nightmare due to the lag. I used a standard 24" dell screen (single USB-c connection) in the office yesterday and performance was fine, really snappy, no lag.

So are my issues down to the studio display? And if so, is there anything I can do to resolve? I plugged my personal 14" m1 pro into the studio display, called someone on teams, shared screen etc etc as a test and that was seamless.


macrumors 601
Feb 5, 2015
I have a max spec 2019 15" macbook pro as my work laptop (apart from the SSD). I recently bought a Studio Display as I managed to get one for a good price so took the plunge. The macbook seems to have the fans on full all day now- I don't do anything particularly taxing. Excel is always open with multiple spreadsheets, I use safari browser, and I also always have STIBO system's STEP database software running all day as well (believe this runs off Java).

The battery needs a service, and the touchbar is flakey (flickers, sometimes blank), but it's still a usable machine, or was until I got the studio display. Now the fans are blazing, it stutters quite often, if I'm on a teams call I can barely use any other apps, trying to share screen is a nightmare due to the lag. I used a standard 24" dell screen (single USB-c connection) in the office yesterday and performance was fine, really snappy, no lag.

So are my issues down to the studio display? And if so, is there anything I can do to resolve? I plugged my personal 14" m1 pro into the studio display, called someone on teams, shared screen etc etc as a test and that was seamless.

I doubt the problem is in Studio display specifically, it is more likely that any high resolution external display would cause the same issues.

Attaching 14.7 million additional pixels is taxing to the system and Intel Macs were known to run fans with external displays. I don’t think it should be that demanding that you can’t run apps, but I think the fans situation is expected. My guess? Over the years the Intel Mac got filled with dust, maybe the thermal paste needs to be re-applied, but the cpu could be overheating due to additional stress and downclocking. Try to get one of those apps that can manually increase the fan speed, see if that helps.

As to why your 14” doesn’t have problems - well, it’s because Apple silicon has power to spare and can run external displays without breaking a sweat. :)
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May 27, 2021
I have a max spec 2019 15" macbook pro as my work laptop (apart from the SSD). I recently bought a Studio Display as I managed to get one for a good price so took the plunge. The macbook seems to have the fans on full all day now- I don't do anything particularly taxing. Excel is always open with multiple spreadsheets, I use safari browser, and I also always have STIBO system's STEP database software running all day as well (believe this runs off Java).

The battery needs a service, and the touchbar is flakey (flickers, sometimes blank), but it's still a usable machine, or was until I got the studio display. Now the fans are blazing, it stutters quite often, if I'm on a teams call I can barely use any other apps, trying to share screen is a nightmare due to the lag. I used a standard 24" dell screen (single USB-c connection) in the office yesterday and performance was fine, really snappy, no lag.

So are my issues down to the studio display? And if so, is there anything I can do to resolve? I plugged my personal 14" m1 pro into the studio display, called someone on teams, shared screen etc etc as a test and that was seamless.

Unfortunately there isn't a whole lot you can do under the circumstances. The graphics chips in all of the 2019 models (except the 5600M) have issues when connected to an external display. The way these models are built the cooling is not great, which causes the entire machine to throttle and the fans to constantly rev up. Take a look at this thread, it is in regards to the 16" model but would also apply here:



macrumors 6502a
Original poster
May 20, 2006
I took the baseplate off earlier and it was pretty dusty in there so ive cleaned it up. Not sure it’ll help a great deal but figured it was worth a try


macrumors 6502a
Mar 14, 2015
The issue with overheating when external monitor is attached was solved with latest Monterey when they fixed the drivers most likely. But thats related to the 16” intel


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
May 20, 2006
The issue with overheating when external monitor is attached was solved with latest Monterey when they fixed the drivers most likely. But thats related to the 16” intel
I’ll update it and see what happens, can’t make it much worse
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