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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jun 26, 2007
Hi all,

I purchased a 2019 MBA base from Best Buy about a month ago. I have barely used it but when I do it constantly crashes. I'll be browsing websites and BOOM screen goes black. I did a full wipe/reinstall to see if it was a buggy OS but it happened again on Tuesday.

I booked a genius appointment today and wanted to get your opinion before I go in. Should I be asking for a replacement? I actually took a video of a crash the last time it happened so the genius will see what's up.

Anyone else encounter anything like this? Is there a fix?



macrumors 6502
Feb 18, 2014
Open the Console app and look in system.log. You may also find something in System Reports.

Nose around. Most failures are recorded one way or another.
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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jun 26, 2007

I took it in, they ran some test and said it's fine. I showed the video I recorded and they said they will order parts (top case etc) and that should solve it. It's literally a month old so I actually thought they might swap it out for a new one. I asked if they would and he said nope, that would be the last resort.

I ended up taking it home and if I encounter more problems I'll take it in again. I have 11 months of warranty left still.


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jun 26, 2007
So I updated to Catalina last night and was playing around with the MBA. I have the base model (8GB, 128GB). I don't know if it's just my unit but this thing doesn't seem up to task.

I was doing some simple browsing. I was watching a YouTube vid, had macrumors forums open, and a couple of other tabs with various sites.

The YouTube vid would stutter every time a new tab was opened. Then when I went back to the YouTube vid it wasn't clear. The video quality was degraded for some reason.

This thing can't handle multiple tabs? That's odd to me. I had a 2018 MBA and never had an issue like this. So strange.
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