I ordered two iPhones and placed them on will call. Went to pick them up, got one but the other one was delivered. But not to my address. Apparently they sent it to a different address. That address was USPS post office. I went straight there. I told them my pack years sent to here by accident. They said they will most likely deliver it tomorrow. I said no, you’re not suppose to be delivering it. He kept insisting that ups at times has them deliver packages so it will be tomorrow. I said your not understating. They didn’t send it to you to deliver it. They sent it here by accident with the other packages that are to be delivered tomorrow. He said nobody can open that pallet that is shrink wrapped until it’s been processed. Which will be tomorrow. I got on the phone with ups and demanded them to get the driver back and get my package! They kept saying make a claim with the shipper. I said no, get your beep driver out here now.
Sure enough, he’s sent. I waited there until he showed up. Went in fast and came out 10 minutes after. I told him are you looking for my package? He said umm, yeah I am. I was in there for 40 minutes looking. I said beep! I saw you go in and you were in there for only 10 minutes. Go back in there and find my package. Sure enough, he finally finds it. Went back in there and told the guy, so much for nobody being able to get in that pallet until tomorrow.
PS When I type something long like this, it doesn’t show past half of what I’m typing when I’m typing. Hopefully they update the app for this. iPhone X’s Max