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Original poster
Dec 1, 2020
replaced the gpu.
still no picture just black screen
make the apple chime..
can here cdrom going..
no backlight
cant seam to find a topic..
any help please...
Unfortunately the 27" iMac's of that period are plagued with GPU problems.
When the problem first started did you see coloured pixalated lines across the screen or did the screen suddenly go blank?
From where did you get the replacement GPU? It's a known fact that there are many sellers advertising 'refurbished' GPU's that are problematic.
Or did your problem start after opening the iMac to change the HD or SSD? If that's the case you may have the display cable, power cable or backlight cable that is not firmly in position or perhaps even defective.
I have a similar problem on a mid-2010 27" iMac and plan to change the display cable.
took it to computer tech who said it was gpu..
got gpu from ebay.???
could be faulty..
any cheep replacements....thanks..
i have two...might change the screen see if it works...
Was it a computer tech who is very familiar with Mac's or a 'general' tech who's primary repairs are pc's? If the latter I'd say his diagnostics may be flawed.
It's no secret that even the AppleStore 'genius's will nine times out of ten suggest a logic board change on a laptop even when it's possibly something simple line a cable bad connection which only takes minutes to rectify.
The following is worth noting from the dedicated thread about 2009-2011 iMac gpu's:
Getting a 7-8 year old used Nvidia card may cause some new problems. These cards may be already (half) dead and the current owner knows exactly why he wants to sell the card after years. Do not jump into the first cheap deal, try to get unused spare parts. Most complaints on this thread (hundreds of posts) were caused by cheap old dead cards and endless trials to "repair" these by installing software. This will not work! Some Far East sellers offer new cards with new BIOS chips soldered on. Ignore those offers.
replaced the gpu.
still no picture just black screen
make the apple chime..
can here cdrom going..
no backlight
cant seam to find a topic..
any help please...
Not a great amount of detail that you provide here. What GPU? What was before? Why change? Who changed?
As of now, it could be anything. So please be more precise.
BTW, there is a huge thread pretty much on top of the list about GPU on iMac 2011 and what to do if you change to different model.
was told the gpu had i fitted a new one same...stock for 2011.. 27"..
still nothing..can i plug a second screen in to see if that works..if so the thunderbolt to thunderbolt cable...pressed command..f2....nothing...thanks
told the gpu had i fitted a new one same...stock for 2011.. 27"..
still nothing..can i plug a second screen in to see if that works..if so the thunderbolt to thunderbolt cable...pressed command..f2....nothing...thanks
1. Boot machine hold down Option key. Keep holding.
2. Confirm there is the Chime. If no Chime, your problem is PSU or GPU or logic board.
3. Wait another 20 seconds, then let go of the option key.
4. Take a strong torch light and shine onto the screen. Try to identify some icons around the center.
5. If you are able to see anything on the screen, your problem is neither GPU nor screen. The problem is related to backlight. This could be PSU, backlight circuit, cable connection or screen.
If you see nothing, your problem can be GPU or screen.
If you already tried another GPU, you could try external screen. Connect any screen eg. via mini Displayport to HDMI to a HDMI screen.
Alternatively, remove the screen, and observe the LEDs. Let us know what you see.

6. Make a boot stick of High Sierra, or use "Internet recovery". Read up on how to do this. Easy. You can install MacOS onto a thumbdrive, you should have one. Then at least you have a bootable system.
ok..thanks..did all that..has chime..
no icons using torch
made usb bootable high siera. nothing
cant get screen to work..thunderbolt to thunderbolt..or hdmi..
4 led lights..
first 2 green..other 2 black...nothing..
The third LED is for GPU or button battery.

Maybe GPU not inserted correctly? Your insulation between board and GPU gone, and GPU causes a short circuit?
If you already baked one GPU, I'd assume that either this one is ok, or the second one. Unlikely both are defect since you bought the second one as 'working good'.
Without a known good machine, difficult for you to troubleshoot.
OP wrote:
"was told the gpu had i fitted a new one same...stock for 2011.. 27"..
still nothing"

How much longer will you throw "good money after bad" trying to fix it?
After 9+ years, might be time to start shopping for a replacement.
giving a 2011 from a mate..cant offord anything newer..expensive here in australia'
me imac 2010 with i5....tried to fit i7 from a mates imc and the cpu wont fit...the cutout is to high on the chip.????
giving a 2011 from a mate..cant offord anything newer..expensive here in australia'

Best for you, with this level of description, no one can give you good suggestions or advice.
me imac 2010 with i5....tried to fit i7 from a mates imc and the cpu wont fit...the cutout is to high on the chip.????

You did it wrong. Period. If you did it correctly, it must fit the slot. Mostly wrong direction of the CPU, or something stuck in between the CPU and the slot. Take a photo of the CPU in the slot and show it here.
If your core i5 is the i5-650 (2 core 4 thread), then it may worth changing to core i7-870. Otherwise, keep the core i5. Performance gain is marginal.
I changed my original core i3-550 to core i7-870 in 60min counting from opening the glass to booted to High Sierra desktop without any sweat, half of the time was spent for marking-up the sensors (the first time I ever open the iMac, my first iMac)
didnt do it wrong...the cpu has a cutout in a different spot so wont photo soon.....
cut outs different...


  • Original-lntel-I7-2600-CPU-Processor-Quad-Core-3-4Ghz-L3-8M-95W-Socket-LGA-1155.jpg_q50.jpg
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  • i5.jpg
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cut outs different...

You are a real genius here.
Try to fit a CPU designed for LGA 1155 slot to a LGA 1156 slot.

Read the manual, specs, model number (printed under the aluminium base) again and try to do it right.
Base on the core i5-650 photo, which is supposed to be original CPU in your iMac, yours is a 27" mid-2010 iMac, not a 2011 one.
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thanks for the help....didnt know imac use different lga..why is the 2010 so inferior...i have both now..
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