Hi there! Help me to choose external monitor for my MBP 16" 2019. My budget is about 500-600 USD so Apple/UltraFine etc are not my choice. Most use cases are coding, web-surfing, cinema, games. No any video/photo edit.
I used iMac 27" (2K QHD IPS) for almost ten years and now after switching to the MBP I need external monitor for it. Of course, I dont want to loose in diagonal or image quality, so basicly I'm searching for 27" QHD IPS 60Hz monitor. But there are two absolutely different opinions in the Internet about resolution:
1) if you want 27" so buy QHD monitor and it will be fine due excellent PPI match and native interface scaling (but, of cource, it wouldn't be Retina)
2) if you want 27" so buy only 4K monitor instead of 2K because new Macs and macOS now can manage scaling good enough and you will get good image quality without any blur and it will be Retina
I can't understand which opinion is true.
On the one hand - I have 27" 2K for a long time and I'm glad with it quality. Also I worked with the old iMac and new MBP simultaneosly for some time and differents between Retina and non-Retina displays are don't bother me (at least because bigger screen was farther). On the other hand, 4K obviosly better than 2K but I don't want to use native scaling that will give me 1920x1080 resolution, I want scaling 1-to-1 like on my MBP screen but I'm afraid of scaling because images, fonts etc might be blurry and/or it will be GPU-intense.
Can you please clarify which approach is better, which kind of display I must look for - 27" 2K or 27" 4K? Thanks in advance!
I used iMac 27" (2K QHD IPS) for almost ten years and now after switching to the MBP I need external monitor for it. Of course, I dont want to loose in diagonal or image quality, so basicly I'm searching for 27" QHD IPS 60Hz monitor. But there are two absolutely different opinions in the Internet about resolution:
1) if you want 27" so buy QHD monitor and it will be fine due excellent PPI match and native interface scaling (but, of cource, it wouldn't be Retina)
2) if you want 27" so buy only 4K monitor instead of 2K because new Macs and macOS now can manage scaling good enough and you will get good image quality without any blur and it will be Retina
I can't understand which opinion is true.
On the one hand - I have 27" 2K for a long time and I'm glad with it quality. Also I worked with the old iMac and new MBP simultaneosly for some time and differents between Retina and non-Retina displays are don't bother me (at least because bigger screen was farther). On the other hand, 4K obviosly better than 2K but I don't want to use native scaling that will give me 1920x1080 resolution, I want scaling 1-to-1 like on my MBP screen but I'm afraid of scaling because images, fonts etc might be blurry and/or it will be GPU-intense.
Can you please clarify which approach is better, which kind of display I must look for - 27" 2K or 27" 4K? Thanks in advance!