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macrumors regular
Original poster
Feb 28, 2008
I have a 27" late 2012 that I've had for exactly three years now and I'm getting concerned with the SSD wear out level.

ArsTechnica review for the latest model- Apple tells us that the Fusion Drive algorithm for these new drives is less aggressive about moving things from HDD to SSD, as well, primarily to limit the amount of wear on the flash.

Well, I think it's definitely too aggressive if it's already this low. I would have never known I had a problem if I didn't use this application. I took it the Apple store a few months ago when it was at 35% and the "genius" there did the standard triage of tests and everything passed and he basically said just ignore it, it'll be fine.


1) Replace the SSD blade with OWC Aura
Everyone says it's a pain to take these apart. Does anyone know what Apple would charge for labor to do the replacement? Do you think they would refuse to do it because it's not the factory part?

2) MaxUgrades Blade SSD Module with mSATA SSD Drive. Haven't really seen any reviews on this.

3) Use an external SSD in a USB3 enclosure as the main boot drive. Cons- No TRIM support and can't perform firmware upgrades. I haven't been able to find a reasonably priced thunderbolt enclosure.

Any other ideas or recommendations?

Screenshot 2016-04-04 06.47.42.png
Screenshot 2016-04-04 06.47.49.png
Screenshot 2016-04-04 06.53.14.png


macrumors Penryn
Feb 20, 2009
I'm wondering if you're "making an issue out of nothing".

How does the fusion setup benchmark in speed tests?

If I were you, I'd create and maintain a bootable cloned backup (using either CarbonCopyCloner or SuperDuper), and just keep using it.

If you're concerned about to much reading/writing on the SSD due to the fusion setup, you could:
1. Create a cloned backup, as above
2. Manually DE-fuse the internal SSD and HDD
3. Set up the SSD as the boot drive, and the HDD for general storage
4. Run that way...
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macrumors regular
Original poster
Feb 28, 2008
I'm wondering if you're "making an issue out of nothing".

How does the fusion setup benchmark in speed tests?

If I were you, I'd create and maintain a bootable cloned backup (using either CarbonCopyCloner or SuperDuper), and just keep using it.

How does the fusion setup benchmark in speed tests?

If you're concerned about to much reading/writing on the SSD due to the fusion setup, you could:
1. Create a cloned backup, as above
2. Manually DE-fuse the internal SSD and HDD
3. Set up the SSD as the boot drive, and the HDD for general storage
4. Run that way...

Well when the percentage keeps dropping I don't see how someone wouldn't be concerned...I have verified the wear level with Disk Drill by CleverFiles as well.

I haven't ran BlackMagic speed test in a while, but I'll try it again tonight.

I do have a bootable cloned backup that I keep up to date with Carbon Copy Cloner.

That is definitely another option with separating them, thanks.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 10, 2012
"Power Cycles Count" is quite high. Indicates you probably turn the machine on and off each time you use it. If you were to take advantage of the MacOS Power Saving capabilities and leave it in an 'always on' mode, sleeping when not in use, this may favourably affect SSD lifespan.


macrumors G4
Jan 8, 2012
I would make sure you have a good backup and worry about it when it's a problem.

People here don't seem to think it's a problem so you can sell it guilt free and buy a new Mac. Or have Apple replace the drive when it eventually fails or any other of the options you mentioned.

Point is, all storage devices fail eventually, you should keep a back up so you don't need to worry about it when it does happen.
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macrumors 6502a
May 10, 2012
San Francisco
Interestingly, HDDs are not supposed to degrade in terms of speed over time.

To me that alleviated a big concern with the Fusion Drive.


macrumors 6502a
Jan 25, 2008
"Power Cycles Count" is quite high. Indicates you probably turn the machine on and off each time you use it. If you were to take advantage of the MacOS Power Saving capabilities and leave it in an 'always on' mode, sleeping when not in use, this may favourably affect SSD lifespan.
"unsafe shutdown" statistics seem high too and almost matches the Power Cycles Count. Probably not causing your problem but it isn't helping. Another thought(FWIW): flash and SSDs using TRIM need time to manage the deleted files. One way to achieve this is boot from an external drive and let the Mac sit for day. This will give TRIM a chance to work on the internal flash. Not saying this is a solution but it can't hurt. Check "About this Mac">>>System Report for the internal drive and make sure TRIM support is Yes otherwise the suggested task is meaningless.


macrumors 6502a
Oct 28, 2016
Haskovo, Bulgaria
Looking at the power cycles, it looks like you have shut down your iMac on average 12.6 times a day in the 3 years that you had it. Does this sound right?


macrumors 65816
Apr 3, 2010
Heart of the midwest
I have the same program but mine is still listed at 100% despite similar power on hours and about 20TB of R/W data on the thing.


Personally I'd just ignore it and keep good backups till something actually happens.

The power cycle count I'd imagine includes when the OS turns off power to the drive when the Mac isn't in use, or when in sleep mode. It can do that multiple times per day. Mine is in the 8,000s and was purchased in June/July 2014.

Heck at work we have a 2009 iMac with over 50,000 hours on the stock HDD, I kid you not. It still runs great. And some SSD's with 100's of TB of data on and off used in high res cameras. Though many have died as well it's usually the controller, not the actual NAND.
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