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Che Castro

macrumors 603
Original poster
May 21, 2009
Is this enough for you ?
Would you like to see more storage on the next Apple watch ?

And do you already know what albums/songs your going to put on the 2gb Apple watch

I'm guessing you have to sync the Apple watch to iTunes to add the music ?
If so how


macrumors G4
Jun 30, 2007
...I'm guessing you have to sync the Apple watch to iTunes to add the music ?
If so how
All syncing is done through the Companion App. :apple:Watch doesn't connect to iTunes.



macrumors G3
Feb 23, 2010
2GB will be enough whilst Apple offers 2GB, it's the correct amount.

When this is changed to 4GB, this new amount will be exactly right and all you need. 2GB was limited

Following on from this, 8GB will be the next change, at which point, this new level will be the amount it should of been all along, 4G was too small, and 2GB was just silly.

In years to come we will find 16GB is the ideal size. 8 was not enough for most people, 4 was never enough, and OMG you remember the 1st model only had 2!


Che Castro

macrumors 603
Original poster
May 21, 2009
All syncing is done through the Companion App. :apple:Watch doesn't connect to iTunes.


I heard on the last vergecast the lady who did the review with the camera in her head was talking about using iTunes to put music on the watch
She went running with just the watch and Bluetooth headphones & left her iphone at home


macrumors 6502a
Jun 14, 2010
Yes, that's more than enough. That's ~2000 minutes of decent quality audio. It will outlast the watch battery.


macrumors regular
Mar 13, 2015
Minneapolis, MN
Yes, that's more than enough. That's ~2000 minutes of decent quality audio. It will outlast the watch battery.

Exactly, and who is going to listen to more than 2000 hours of music on a single/run/bike ride? The whole point of the internal storage isn't to replace your iPhone/iPod; it's to be used in situations where it is inconvenient to carry a phone/media player, such as a run.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 13, 2012
Exactly, and who is going to listen to more than 2000 hours of music on a single/run/bike ride? The whole point of the internal storage isn't to replace your iPhone/iPod; it's to be used in situations where it is inconvenient to carry a phone/media player, such as a run.

Well said!


macrumors 6502
Aug 25, 2011
Exactly, and who is going to listen to more than 2000 hours of music on a single/run/bike ride? The whole point of the internal storage isn't to replace your iPhone/iPod; it's to be used in situations where it is inconvenient to carry a phone/media player, such as a run.

Exactly. This is the number one reason I'm getting the :apple: Watch. Carrying around my 6+ at the gym is becoming a bore. 2 gigs is plenty.


Feb 11, 2008
Given the battery issues of the watch, and the large storage of the iphoen , I'd just play some headphones into the phone

Robert M.

macrumors 6502a
Jan 4, 2010
I don't understand why there isn't just internal memory you can use. I would rather have 2GB of photos than music.

Why keep a bunch of pictures on the watch?

It'd make more sense to keep them on your phone. Much higher quality with a bigger screen (so I see why they limited that more -- it's kinda pointless). Music is something that more people will use with bluetooth headphones while jogging or working out.


macrumors 6502
Jun 23, 2013
Kent, UK
Why keep a bunch of pictures on the watch?

It'd make more sense to keep them on your phone. Much higher quality with a bigger screen (so I see why they limited that more -- it's kinda pointless). Music is something that more people will use with bluetooth headphones while jogging or working out.

Well I guess I'll always have 2GB of free storage on my apple watch I'd rather have some important photos on my watch than music. I have no Bluetooth headphones.


macrumors 6502a
Dec 13, 2006
The real question, if I work out with watch and iPhone, can I access iTunes Match and choose from my entire library?


macrumors 6502a
Jul 30, 2010
More GB is just convenience to keep our electronic file junkyard on the watch and never have to prune any of it.

And whatever GB or feature Apple did not include would be a selling point for the next version - whether it's needed or not - most are nice haves


macrumors 6502
Apr 3, 2015
2GB will be enough whilst Apple offers 2GB, it's the correct amount.

When this is changed to 4GB, this new amount will be exactly right and all you need. 2GB was limited

Following on from this, 8GB will be the next change, at which point, this new level will be the amount it should of been all along, 4G was too small, and 2GB was just silly.

In years to come we will find 16GB is the ideal size. 8 was not enough for most people, 4 was never enough, and OMG you remember the 1st model only had 2!




macrumors 6502
Apr 16, 2011
I heard on the last vergecast the lady who did the review with the camera in her head was talking about using iTunes to put music on the watch
She went running with just the watch and Bluetooth headphones & left her iphone at home

A lot of people refer to the music app as iTunes.


macrumors 68000
Sep 25, 2014
Exactly, and who is going to listen to more than 2000 hours of music on a single/run/bike ride? The whole point of the internal storage isn't to replace your iPhone/iPod; it's to be used in situations where it is inconvenient to carry a phone/media player, such as a run.

2,000 minutes, not 2,000 hours. However, I think even 2,000 minutes is overstating things by quite a bit. I made a smart playlist in iTunes that randomly selected songs downloaded from the iTunes store, up to a limit of 2GB. It contains 288 songs, or 1,016 minutes. Depending on song length and bit rate, I would say 2GB is probably going to be between 200 and 300 songs.

I think that's a fine amount, mind you. I have my doubts that I will ever even use this feature because I have no bluetooth headphones and never go anywhere without my phone. But we need to know what the actual situation is before we can discuss the issue.


macrumors G4
Jun 30, 2007
I heard on the last vergecast the lady who did the review with the camera in her head was talking about using iTunes to put music on the watch
She went running with just the watch and Bluetooth headphones & left her iphone at home

As per my posted pic, all syncing is done through the Companion App. You will not see or mount the :apple:Watch in iTunes. It will all be through you iPhone.
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