Greeting looking for information from anyone using a slide scanner. Do not want a stand alone with memory.
Trying to find a quality scanner that will run as a Peripheral.
Any advice is welcome thanks in advance.
I am a photographer and film maker and I have done a lot of slide scans over the years and this year I had the pleasure to use what I think is the best slide scanner I have ever used.
There is a company in Brighton Ontario that has high performance slide scanners that they rent out. Before I rented it I researched the unit. Everything I have read about the unit was impressive.
Our Studio is a collective studio that is used by a number of photographers and film makers. The rental department at Our Studio is really for its member photographers and operates more like a non profit service, so it has better rates than Vistek in Toronto but unfortunately they dont list all the gear they have to rent online.
So I only found out about this unit by word of mouth when asked to archive a large collection of slides for a client. One of their members told me about this high speed scanner that he had used that was amazing. So I went to see it at their studio. You can find this outfit by the way at
So after a bit or research, I rented this unit for $450 per day from them and got thousands of high res scans done over a weekend.
I was speaking to the manager there a Peter Ross and he said that they have a spare silde scanner that could be for sale. His number is 888-844-3444 x5
This is an Automated High Res High Performance Slide Scanner that normally sells for $4400 Canadian plus shipping but I noticed that they have just posted an ad to sell this one for $2795.
It is a Slidesnap Pro's SlideSnap rapid slide scanner. Designed for the medium to large production level slide scanning operation and used by hundreds of photographers, universities and service providers worldwide.
I was told by Peter that it was purchased as a back up unit and had spent its life waiting to back up their production unit which as it turned out, has never broken down. So its In good condition with low or no operating time and guaranteed working.
Here are the Features:
-Up to 30 slides per minute (1,800 slides per hour).
-Autonomous batch operation for up to 140 slides.
-Adjustable mount allows for optical alignment to eliminate planar foreshortening.
-LED backlit (5000k)
-Universal DSLR compatibility
-100% solid state switching
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I just mounted my camera with a macro lens and it took me a few minutes to set it up but then i was ready to produce at 30 high res scans per minute. When I calculated in my prep time and loading the slide trays in the scanner I was averaging about 1000 slide scans per hour. Needless to say it was awesome!
Great quality and very fast. I could not ask for more! It took me longer to sort the scans then to make them. So for me this set a new bar for slide scanning and it turned out to be an excellent experience.
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