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macrumors 68020
Original poster
Apr 4, 2011
I can't get over how perfect Apple nailed the screen size with the iPhone 6. Just like the 9.7" Air and 7.9" Mini, I'm sure Apple debated for weeks on whether to make the 6 screen 4.7, 4.8, 4.9, or 5 inches.

The iPhone 6 Plus size is great for content, but a huge compromise for portability.

4.7" really is the perfect compromise when it comes to portability, comfort in hand, and large size for more content. It is impossible to go back to the iPhone 5 screen size. I actually feel bad for those who used their 4s upgrades to get the 5s, now they have to wait a year.
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macrumors 68020
Apr 24, 2013
New Orleans
Perfect is subjective. I personally loved the screen of the 4S. The 6+ is great for todays "everything on my phone" mentality. But for user who want a quality phone to mainly talk and text, I think the 4S is still perfect for that.


macrumors Nehalem
Feb 19, 2005
Its funny because I did not do the cut out BS that people seemed to do. Instead, I just ordered a case and got it before I ordered the phone. I was very happy with the size and happy to see that it seemingly fits okay in my pockets. The phone is good for me. It is by far the largest I wanted to own and though it is only slightly larger than a previous phone I owned, it feels smaller. The Droid X felt much larger to me than the case I bought for the 6 for some reason. Obviously I don't have the phone but if the case feels ok then surely the phone will.

And I am on the 4S right now. This will be a huge jump for me.


macrumors member
Jul 24, 2011
Perfect is subjective. I personally loved the screen of the 4S. The 6+ is great for todays "everything on my phone" mentality. But for user who want a quality phone to mainly talk and text, I think the 4S is still perfect for that.

Yeah. I was reluctant with the 5 and I'm reluctant with the 6. But my 5 is choice, really. Apple didn't give us one.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 31, 2010
Seriously, WTF? WHY DO WE NEED SEVERAL THREADS for this topic?

I got a 6. Jim got a 6+ who the F cares?

Enjoy your phone and enjoy your choice. Don't tell us how Apple must have debated for months on what size to go with. They went with BOTH for a reason. TO REACH THE MOST CUSTOMERS. And to make money.


macrumors member
Sep 15, 2014
Agree with you. The 4.7 is the ideal size. Additionally, you won't look like a flipping fool when using the iPhone 6 (6 I said. NOT 6 Plus).


macrumors member
Sep 14, 2014
Seriously if you didn't have anything to add why comment. If thats the thread he wants to make and talk about by all means let him do it. Just browse over it and dont go in. No reason to jump on his case like that. Just sayin

QUOTE=billycuth;19791130]Seriously, WTF? WHY DO WE NEED SEVERAL THREADS for this topic?

I got a 6. Jim got a 6+ who the F cares?

Enjoy your phone and enjoy your choice. Don't tell us how Apple must have debated for months on what size to go with. They went with BOTH for a reason. TO REACH THE MOST CUSTOMERS. And to make money.[/QUOTE]


macrumors 6502
Sep 29, 2011
Tallahassee, FL
The Droid X felt much larger to me than the case I bought for the 6 for some reason.

My first, and only, Android phone was a Droid X. I loved that phone, hated Android. I sold it and bought a used iP4 and entered the iOS ecosystem from there. I always felt that a phone the size of the DX running iOS would be pure bliss. I've stuck with the iPhone since then in-spite of the small screen rather than because of it. Seeing your description makes me feel I made the right personal choice choosing the 6 over the Plus. Mine is on the truck for delivery, but unfortunately I won't have it in my hands until Sunday evening. Can't wait!


macrumors 604
Oct 23, 2010
If you dont want to do anything with your phone, why even bother with a 6. It runs hot and its nit even an upgrade from the 5s.


4.7 is TOO SMALL, sorry.

It is too small for what people need in 2014. Peopke who have trouble adjusting to the realities of 2014 find it useful temporarily.


macrumors member
Jul 24, 2011
If you dont want to do anything with your phone, why even bother with a 6. It runs hot and its nit even an upgrade from the 5s.


It is too small for what people need in 2014.

Why am I not surprised you go to SMU?


Arrogant and surprises here.


macrumors 604
Oct 23, 2010
Why am I not surprised you go to SMU?


Arrogant and surprises here.

Arrogant? Maybe. Entitled? No. I worked hard for everything myself. I didnt have rich parents but I was fortunate enough to have help like everyone else. Attacking the messenger doesnt stop the truth.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 31, 2010
Seriously if you didn't have anything to add why comment. If thats the thread he wants to make and talk about by all means let him do it. Just browse over it and dont go in. No reason to jump on his case like that. Just sayin

QUOTE=billycuth;19791130]Seriously, WTF? WHY DO WE NEED SEVERAL THREADS for this topic?

I got a 6. Jim got a 6+ who the F cares?

Enjoy your phone and enjoy your choice. Don't tell us how Apple must have debated for months on what size to go with. They went with BOTH for a reason. TO REACH THE MOST CUSTOMERS. And to make money.
Because sometimes it needs to be said. Today is an easy day to find an appropriate thread on the first page. NO NEED for another.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 25, 2007
Something Samsung got right is offering many different phone sizes. There is no one right size! Some people prefer 3.5", some 4.0", 4.7" 5.5", 5.7", 6.1" and anything in between. Apple and Steve told all of America from a 4'10" female to a 6'8" male that you only should use a 3.5" phone, and then a 4.0" phone. Bravo to Apple for finally offering a few choices (5C, 6 and 6+). It's about time.

I love my 5.5" Note 2 and am looking forward to my upcoming 5.7" Note 4. My wife would prefer sticking with the 4.0 inch size of her iPhone 5 but wants to get the new hardware so she will move up to 4.7" of the iPhone 6.

I understand that neither Apple nor Samsung nor any manufacturer can offer every single size phone for every single person. I think it is good though that the move has started to offer people top tier experiences in a few different sizes that covers the vast majority of the user base. You want iOS you can probably find a size that now works for you. You want Android with touchwiz and Samsung's features you have choices. This is all good for the consumer.

I disagree though with the original comment that Apple nailed with 4.7" and that is the perfect size (also would you really not have said the same thing if it was 4.8", would you even notice a difference?). It is perfect for you right now doing what you do with your phone today. Remember everybody who argued to all end that 3.5" was perfect when Samsung announced the 4.7" Galaxy S3 and then people who said 4.0" was perfect and anything bigger was insane. In two years perhaps our phones won't play the same role as they do today as wearables take over and perhaps we won't even hold our phones as we make calls.


macrumors 6502
Sep 29, 2011
Tallahassee, FL
4.7 is TOO SMALL, sorry.

See, that's the great thing about choice, everyone gets what they want. Bravo to Apple for finally recognizing that. What has shocked me is how the release of two sized iPhones has turned it's users against each other like a rabid pack of wolves. I don't get it. Why does one person's choice of phone size matter to ANYONE other than that one person?


macrumors 6502
Sep 3, 2014
How can your thread title say NO COMPROMISES and then you actually write that the 4.7" is the perfect compromise?

Both phones are a compromises screen size over portability and the other portability over screen size.


macrumors 6502a
Aug 2, 2013
Eindhoven, the Netherlands
Even though I find my iPhone 4S big enough, I really think iPhone 6 will be a great upgrade to me. It's better at every way, not only the screen size. In fact, all those other things that are upgraded compared to the iPhone 4S are like a compromise for that big screen. So for example, the A8-chip already is a huge jump from the A5-chip, which already makes a lot good. I'm sure I will get used to the 4.7" display very quick!

But I can't guarantee that to myself, because my iPhone 6 will be available about a week (first world problem in the Netherlands). :p


macrumors Nehalem
Feb 19, 2005
Why am I not surprised you go to SMU?


Arrogant and surprises here.
Hate to say it but in my experience, and it is plenty given where I work, QFT...

It is hilarious that people say the iPhone 6 is too small. How many years has the iPhone been out? Tell me how it was just fine before the keynote? It really was.

People are interesting.


Even though I find my iPhone 4S big enough, I really think iPhone 6 will be a great upgrade to me. It's better at every way, not only the screen size. In fact, all those other things that are upgraded compared to the iPhone 4S are like a compromise for that big screen. So for example, the A8-chip already is a huge jump from the A5-chip, which already makes a lot good. I'm sure I will get used to the 4.7" display very quick!

But I can't guarantee that to myself, because my iPhone 6 will be available about a week (first world problem in the Netherlands). :p
I am going from the 4S to the 6 and based on my case, it is a great jump for me.
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