I actually think I did read it was geared towards females, and that is why it is only offered in the 38mm size.
I am not trying to start a debate on the 38mm size being more feminine (I am getting that size), but I really do remember reading that somewhere.
leather loop is only for 42mm.
I'm not aware of a leather loop band, only the Michelin man band.
It looks a little bit feminine to me. It's mainly how it curves. If they made one more neutral, they could have it look the shape of the case. Having more of a rounded rec style.
Guess what? It's available in 42 mm... with the Edition...
Guess what? It's available in 42 mm... with the Edition...
Too bad, it could have looked good on a man
So maybe it'll trickle down to us 42 mm plebeians once they have been able to gauge the various watch bands' popularity.
And there isn't even a quasi-plausible reason for that, like the "it's feminine" reason for not having 42mm modern buckle. I mean, the loop looks pretty unisex to me.
Maybe Apple made decisions on band availability not on perceived masculine/feminine attributes but solely to constrain choice so as not to have to produce every possible strap for every watch (gold band excepted). That said, I still hold out hope that they will relax those constraints if the market is there.
I bet at some point they will separate them...maybe with the second release so people can reuse the prior bands that they bought without paying the up charge for a band to come in the box.