I recently bought and installed X5690s for a dual CPU Mac Pro 5,1. I haven't had any issues previously with it and was running two x5670s. However, the fans are running at full speed and utilities like Macs Fan Control are reporting 0 RPM, and missing senor data. The computer boots and I can hear and feel the air on the CPUs.
I tried reverting to the x5670s without any success. There are no error lights. Tried SMC reset (unpluging for a bit) and of course a NVRAM reset. Running a 2010 5,1 (no delidding necessary), firmware, Tried digging for this issue here, and best I found was:
Both pertain to 2009s.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
I tried reverting to the x5670s without any success. There are no error lights. Tried SMC reset (unpluging for a bit) and of course a NVRAM reset. Running a 2010 5,1 (no delidding necessary), firmware, Tried digging for this issue here, and best I found was:

Mac Pro 4,1 high fan speed, Heatsink temp sensor issue?
The unnecessary intermittent max fan speeds of your CPU heatsink coolers indicates you probably have a damaged CPU Tray , a poor CPU Heatsink fan cable connection to the Tray's PCB or as Alex tsialex pointed out a failing thermal sensor . CPU A is in the rear of the Mac . What happens to your...

Help me! I am having problems upgrading my mac pro 2009 CPU!
Yes! It not working with the original CPUs 1572486891 Old delid CPUs, new CPUs are still installed! I have reinstalled the old Cpus with nothing changed showing! I am suspicious of connecting CPU fan A! But if CPu B fan works, why can't I see the temperature measured in the app! Where can I buy...
Both pertain to 2009s.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
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