If the above article is accurate... UGH. So, iPhone 13, despite having 5G support and antennas and bands needed for AT&T's coming 3.45GHZ might not get to use it. Right now I'm stuck using the shared-with-LTE "low band" spectrum 5G on my 13 in Austin, AT&T isn't going to even turn on c-band until later this year when they can also at same time turn on 3.45 (so they can do all with one tower climb per tower). Knowing our luck, they'll also restrict c-band to iphone 14, not just 3.45!
If the above article is accurate... UGH. So, iPhone 13, despite having 5G support and antennas and bands needed for AT&T's coming 3.45GHZ might not get to use it. Right now I'm stuck using the shared-with-LTE "low band" spectrum 5G on my 13 in Austin, AT&T isn't going to even turn on c-band until later this year when they can also at same time turn on 3.45 (so they can do all with one tower climb per tower). Knowing our luck, they'll also restrict c-band to iphone 14, not just 3.45!