What's your battery like jailbroken on 8.1.2? (Pics appreciated!)
What are the settings you use and what tweaks do you have installed?
That's basically about it really other than some emulators and a handful of other non Apple .api apps
To be truthful Ive never downloaded movie box until about a week ago, but the first time I downloaded it it had a red dot underneath it (meaning it's a beta version) ... I only realized this because I don't have labels on my springboard, then one day the dot disappeared... I looked into it with cydia and a terminal emulator and see where nothing should have changed or been updated but clearly something happened... I ignored it until the next day when playing pandora killed my phone in about 3 hours ( never had that happen) usually it plays all day... Then when I plugged it in it instantly turned on and displayed 31% battery!!! And movie box once again had the red dot, since I've deleted movie box I have absolutely no problems, so now I only download it when I plan to use it and then delete when finished... I can't say for sure this will fix your particular problem but it's been what worked for me... I even tried blacklisting eclipse 2 from movie box and it did nothing to help
Only no motion,
But I have used no slow animations for the boost when opening and closing apps and just used the reduce motion in iOS itself for this device since jailbreaking it
That is kinda strange,
After I install any apps from any source trusted or not I always then go into my terminal and just use
Dpkg --get-selections
And it gives me the entire list of everything installed on my phone, and luckily only once have I had a problem with packages installing things that weren't displayed in the download list, and yes it was from a shady repo so it came as no surprise....
Been lucky over the years tho I have always jailbroken without many hiccups... But I'm always cautious so that probly helps
I'm not sure if it was the phone itself or the jailbreak, but my 5S's battery life was horrible.. I would've had to charge it like 3-4 times a day to make it through a full day of usage. Now that I have the 6 I don't have to charge until a day and a half. Such a huge improvement.
Do you use wifi all the time? Cuz my phone is at 1 percent with 4 hours 53 usage and 13h 30 mins standby
What tweaks do u have installed