I bought a 6 on launch day and had zero issues. I bought a 6 plus a month ago and now notice that it wobbles in the case. I am currently using a UAG case and it wobbles on a table. Corner to corner not side to side. This is why I saying warped and not bent. I put it in my NGP case and it does the same. I can twist it just a bit and it goes away but returns the next day.
Front pocket only. Let the flaming begin.
But this is a new viewpoint since I can say I had a 6 for 4 months with no issues using it the same way. I have AppleCare and it's not that big a deal but has my OCD going wild.
Front pocket only. Let the flaming begin.
But this is a new viewpoint since I can say I had a 6 for 4 months with no issues using it the same way. I have AppleCare and it's not that big a deal but has my OCD going wild.