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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jan 28, 2014
Beverly Hills, CA

I have an issue when randomly my 6+ drops wifi when I step outside of my house and then fails to reconnect — it stays connected to LTE. I go into settings > wifi and the page takes a solid minute to open. It's scanning but can't find anything. I then toggle off and back on, which doesn't refresh the page at all until I leave settings and reopen.

Furthermore, upon re-entering my network info, it prompts me with 'could not scan for wireless networks' <dismiss>. I have to reboot the phone to be able to connect again.

I read that some people complained about lag also. Mine seems to be handling everything fine on safari, but feels excessively laggy around the OS. In settings > wallpapers > choose new wallpaper > stills, scrolling up and down the images available is enough to make the screen stutter rather badly. My 5S running the same version is butter smooth in comparison.

Could this be a bad unit or should I wait for an update to iOS 8? I'm 4 days away from the return window ending.

And please, I know it's becoming traditional on MR as of late, no need to go all flames on me. I love everything about the phone and can't even for the life of me imagine going back to anything other than a 6 Plus. I'm just genuinely worried and wouldn't want to be stuck with a defective unit I'm gonna have to repair down the road.


macrumors regular
Original poster
Jan 28, 2014
Beverly Hills, CA
Here's the screenshot. It's a SG 64G on Verizon. I'm also using an 802.11ac AirPort Extreme that's up to date.


  • image.jpg
    109.6 KB · Views: 101


macrumors regular
Jun 12, 2012
I have a feeling it's the kernel driver for our WNICs in the 6 & 6+, or/and the iOS 8 itself is causing this issue.

I do have experience the lag as OP described, and it happens at least twice a week or so.

Also keep in mind sometimes the AP or the network itself could cause some issue as well, but I think in our case it's the phone/STA's issue.

Just wait till they fix a lot of stuff (hopefully) in iOS 8.1.


macrumors 6502
Dec 19, 2012
I just exceeded my data allowance for the first time ever because of this bug.

I did not realize that both my phone and my wife's 5s are dropping wifi. over the last 3 days, mine's only done it once, but hers.... sheesh... she's in and out of buildings on campus all day and having to go in and remember to reconnect to wifi every time she comes into a building and then it still drops... c'mon Apple. get it together.


macrumors regular
Jun 12, 2012
Do all of you have Airport Extremes?

I have two d-Link DIR-868L routers, and no issues whatsoever.

Well that's good to hear.

We use Cisco Aironet 700 series at work, at home Asus RT-N66U on ShibbyTomato, both WPA2-Enterprise on both bands.

I believe it's a software issue. If it could've been a hardware issue, I think we'd see the Wifi part being greyed out already.


macrumors regular
Original poster
Jan 28, 2014
Beverly Hills, CA
Ok so I see I'm not the only one. Same thing happened to me re: data overages. I'm on VZW loyalty, with 2GB of data and unlimited everything else text and talk for $60. I was audio skyping and totally went over the 2G — yet I was approaching the end of my cycle and had .5 left. Thankfully it's just $10 per GB extra but still.

Though I'm happy to report also that I have decided to do exactly what most people say you shouldn't do with the phone. I put it in my slim fit jeans pocket (front mind you, I never sat on my phone before), keep it there whilst I drive, bend down with it still in there — still straight as an arrow after a week. Makes you wonder how some people with 'loose pants' and 'light dancing' end up with a flip phone style 6+.


macrumors regular
Aug 29, 2013
I am having the same issue with my 5 (still waiting on my 6+) so not just a 6 or 6+ issue but a 8. issue I think:(


Jun 15, 2010
San Francisco Bay Area
  • Restart your access point if you can. If still broken, go to the next step.
  • Restart your phone. If still broken, go to the next step.
  • Backup and RESTORE your phone. If still broken, go to the next step.
  • Visit an Apple Retail store, odds are you need a replacement if you have reached this step.


macrumors 68000
Dec 24, 2008
  • Restart your access point if you can. If still broken, go to the next step.
  • Restart your phone. If still broken, go to the next step.
  • Backup and RESTORE your phone. If still broken, go to the next step.
  • Visit an Apple Retail store, odds are you need a replacement if you have reached this step.

Restarting the phone fixes the issue, so this is looking like software.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 19, 2009
This bug has already been reported here

There is some issue with the wifi on the iphone 6

Also the other time I have range issues with wifi with my Apple Router, with my iphone 5S the wifi always works great even if the range is long.

I hope that ios 8.1 fix this wifi issues

Jimbo Asprilla

macrumors regular
Sep 21, 2009
Having problems specifically with my iPhone 6 Plus, I'm updated to the latest iOS on both my iPhone and iPad, my iPad is rock solid on wifi but my iPhone 6 Plus seems to continually lose data connection, the wifi still shows to be connected at the top of my screen but it seems to not be receiving any data, as soon as I toggle wifi off its ok.


Apr 12, 2011
Go into Privacy, and Diagnostic and usage Data. The logs will be quite large. Look at those crashes. iOS 8.0.2 is very buggy. My 5S never had that many crashes. I believe some of those seld crashes are related to wifi issues.


macrumors 68000
Dec 24, 2008
This bug has already been reported here

There is some issue with the wifi on the iphone 6

Also the other time I have range issues with wifi with my Apple Router, with my iphone 5S the wifi always works great even if the range is long.

I hope that ios 8.1 fix this wifi issues

A beta user here said its fixed in 8.1

Go into Privacy, and Diagnostic and usage Data. The logs will be quite large. Look at those crashes. iOS 8.0.2 is very buggy. My 5S never had that many crashes. I believe some of those seld crashes are related to wifi issues.

Yup, I'm sure someone here who understands the logs would agree. It's rediculous. Is there a way to delete the log files?


Apr 12, 2011
A beta user here said its fixed in 8.1

Yup, I'm sure someone here who understands the logs would agree. It's rediculous. Is there a way to delete the log files?

With previous builds, all you had to do was connect via itunes via the cable and click on sync and it was suppose to delete those files. It doesn't do that with 8.0.2. I have the app PhoneClean on my iMac and you can delete those files. It use to be free, now it's not.
Last edited:


macrumors 68000
Jun 11, 2009
SF Bay Area, CA
Experiencing this on my 6+ with 13' AirPort Extreme as well. It will drop out and can't find any networks in the search. A reboot fixes it (even turning the phone off and then on again fixes it).

Hopefully 8.1 address this.
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