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Why is there no thread for 68k Macs anymore?

I do t want to trawl geek forums, I feel safe here.... 😊
I mean, there's the Collectors forum on here, which covers a lot of 68k topics. I'm sure anyone would be open to talking about 68k here though ;)

I know 68kMLA is a forum that is strictly for 68k machines. Don't know much about it though.
I mean, there's the Collectors forum on here, which covers a lot of 68k topics. I'm sure anyone would be open to talking about 68k here though ;)

I know 68kMLA is a forum that is strictly for 68k machines. Don't know much about it though.

68kMLA is a cool place. While the focus is 68k, you can talk about PPC stuff there too.

I have a couple of 68ks myself, the Centris 650 being my favorite. I prefer the later end of 68k (System 7, color, 040 CPUs, etc.) over the earlier stuff. I do have a couple of black and white compact Macs though, which I use on occasion.
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Wasn't 68k horribly slow ? I was a PC tech and in college during that time, so i am not too experienced in 68k processors, but from what I read they were horribly slow.
Wasn't 68k horribly slow ? I was a PC tech and in college during that time, so i am not too experienced in 68k processors, but from what I read they were horribly slow.

I mean, the whole point of the PPC change was because the clock speed couldn’t be increased
The last 68k mac was 1990 or 91, right? 29-30 years ago. Oof.

I saw a post of a 68k Mac connected to the internet and I think it took 4 hours to download and render a single page.

You are 1% of the 1% and I applaud you for collecting, but this is not the place for 68k love. I even have two of those systems but they are just for looks.

Best of luck finding friends with a common interest in those machines.
There are plenty places that share interest for these old macs but I will only recommend one where I'm actually active.
They have a Discord server as well but you should watch their weekly talkshow on YouTube and look for the address they are always showing at the end of each show.
They are called MacYak.
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The last 68k mac was 1990 or 91, right? 29-30 years ago. Oof.

I saw a post of a 68k Mac connected to the internet and I think it took 4 hours to download and render a single page.

You are 1% of the 1% and I applaud you for collecting, but this is not the place for 68k love. I even have two of those systems but they are just for looks.

Best of luck finding friends with a common interest in those machines.
I'd say there's still plenty of interest in those machines. I mean, I'm interested in them (although I don't own any). If Intel machines are acceptable to talk about here, then, in my personal opinion, 68k should be included here too. :)

btw, the last 68k machines were actually from 94/95 ;)
I didn't google anything and I wasn't a mac user in 95 so please excuse my memory.
There's interest in those machines. Just not here. 🙁

What does it take to get a 68K sub-forum started here? Or added to the Power PC name?

I would like to see one for those 2006 Mac Pros, myself. It's like having ICE owners ask questions on a Tesla forum.
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I would like to see one for those 2006 Mac Pros, myself.

I think that would be to specific....

A subforum for "Macs that can only run an OSX that is 3 versions behind current or older" would make sense.

Just not with that name:p
Mind you, the MPro forum does a good job at sticking threads with label as to which generation they refer to, and there seems to be plenty stuff for the "original cheesegrater" generations.
I didn't google anything and I wasn't a mac user in 95 so please excuse my memory.
There's interest in those machines. Just not here. 🙁

What does it take to get a 68K sub-forum started here? Or added to the Power PC name?

I would like to see one for those 2006 Mac Pros, myself. It's like having ICE owners ask questions on a Tesla forum.
For Mac Pros, there's the Mac Pro forum and the Collector forum has a good amount of 68 activity.

I think that would be to specific....

A subforum for "Macs that can only run an OSX that is 3 versions behind current or older" would make sense.

Just not with that name:p
How about Unsupported Intel Macs?
I like these ideas. I do have to say, our PPC group is quite capable at helping any early Intel Mac user who manages to stumble upon our group by mistake :p
I have two 68k machines: Quadra 700 and 605. I had more but I got rid of them and kept only my two personal favorites. The 700 still runs but is not currently setup, the 605 has some, let's just say, issues.
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