I went to the local Apple store last week after doing a complete backup sync and backup again. The nice lady hooked up my phone to the computer and found it wasn't the battery but "something" in the phone was causing a problem with the way the battery was performing and charging. So I could leave the phone with them for several hours "because they had not set up all their computers with the latest update yet" or she could teach me how to perform a hard restore of the phone, or I could set up a phone call to walk me thru the process. I said I'd try it at home. She used my notes on phone to write down explicit instructions and advised me to write them down before performing the reset as they may get lost when I restore the phone. She was correct, those notes went away. I followed the instructions step by step and WOW my phone now goes three days before needing to be charged unless I am using it more than normal. I did lose some of my photos and I had to reset all my passwords and reload and update all the apps, but overall I'm very happy. It took about 10 minutes to perform the restore and then several hours to do the entire reset of all the peripherals, but overall worth it to me.