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macrumors regular
Original poster
Oct 22, 2009
Has anyone had the 5ghz become funky with their 6th-GEN AE after the 7.7.2 update? I think with 7.7.1 - several of my devices connected just fine at the 5Ghz range, but with 7.7.2 - it couldn't even connect and forced me to use the 2.4Ghz band.

In fact my XBOX ONE - which I know support 5Ghz can't connect to the 5Ghz band at all - only the 2.4Ghz band with firmware 7.7.2.

Anyone out their with an XBOX ONE and AE can tell me if theirs are working at 5Ghz?


macrumors G3
Mar 26, 2013
Elkton, Maryland
I have not noticed any issues with my Extreme doing 5 GHz in my scenario. However, some possibilities lie in the configuration. Is your 5 GHz network a separate SSID, or do you have it set up to select it based on the best channel throughput? I would try setting it up for deciding instead of separate SSIDs if that's how you configured it. However, if you traced it back to the 7.7.2 firmware, you can easily downgrade to 7.7.1.


macrumors regular
Original poster
Oct 22, 2009
I have not noticed any issues with my Extreme doing 5 GHz in my scenario. However, some possibilities lie in the configuration. Is your 5 GHz network a separate SSID, or do you have it set up to select it based on the best channel throughput? I would try setting it up for deciding instead of separate SSIDs if that's how you configured it. However, if you traced it back to the 7.7.2 firmware, you can easily downgrade to 7.7.1.

Do you have a XBOX ONE? Does it connect at 5Ghz? I want to see if this is something between the XBOX ONE wifi card and the AE...


macrumors G3
Mar 26, 2013
Elkton, Maryland
I do not own an Xbox One. My family has a 360 and many other 5 GHz compatible devices that all work fine. If you would like, you can downgrade the firmware without losing your settings. Simply do it in AirPort Utility by holding Option when you click the version. Then select the firmware you want. This will tell you if it is a buggy firmware.
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