Please post the screen capture of the terminal when you running the fixrom script. Usually some hit at there.
Also, did you check your card's ROM is 128k in size?
Last login: Wed Sep 5 21:45:47 on console
Irvins-Mac-Pro:~ irvingoh$ cd /Volumes/7970
Irvins-Mac-Pro:7970 irvingoh$ ./ --efifile=7950mac.efi --romfile=efiromheader.rom --originalrom=cardname.rom --devid=6978
running on 7950mac.efi, efiromheader.rom with devid 6978
Patching files 7950mac.efi, efiromheader.rom for device-id 0x6978
Successfully patched efi file
Successfully patched efi rom file
Orig Size = 125440
Comp Size = 47590
47590+0 records in
47590+0 records out
47590 bytes transferred in 0.105497 secs (451102 bytes/sec)
EFI part is ready at 6978.efipart.rom
orig size - 65536
65536+0 records in
65536+0 records out
65536 bytes transferred in 0.207910 secs (315213 bytes/sec)
OpRom (size=65536, indicator_offset=0x22d, indicator=0x0, checksum=0x0)
OpRom (size=48128, indicator_offset=0x31, indicator=0x80, checksum=0x0)
RawData (size=17408)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 110, in <module>
File "", line 90, in fix[-1] = chr(0x100 - sum)
ValueError: chr() arg not in range(256)
the rom is ready at cardname.rom.efi.rom
^^ Above is the outcome. And yes both the original rom and the refi patched rom are 128kb in size.