Hi. I used 8.1.2 with some tweaks and charge my iphone 5s once a day. Now I should do it twice. I have 0-5% in 5pm. But tweaks are the same. My friend have the same trouble. I tried to delete springtomise, enable reduce motion, etc.
Now I use "Near lock" and Spark. But it only last 3 days, and I see a faster drains from first day after upgrade to 8.3.
** Screens: **
** Tweaks **
* 7-zip (POSIX) - 4.57-3p
* Activator - 1.9.5
* Actual Battery - 2.0-4
* adv-cmds - 119-5
* Aeternum -
* Alkaline - 1.3
* AppInfo - 1.6.2
* Apple File Conduit "2" - 1.2
* AppList - 1.5.9
* APR - 1.3.3-4
* APR (/usr/lib) - 1.3.3-2
* APR-util - 1.2.12-5
* APT 0.6 Transitional - 1:0-23
* APT 0.7 (apt-key) -
* APT 0.7 Strict -
* APT 0.7 Strict (lib) -
* AudioRecorder 2 (iOS 8) - 1.0-150
* ayeKit - 1.0.1
* ayeris - 1.2.2
* BackupAZ - 1.8.2
* BarMagnet - 1.8-1
* Base Structure - 1-4
* basic-cmds - 48-2p
* BatteryLife - 1.6.5
* BatteryUsageEnhancer - 0.0.1-27
* Berkeley DB - 4.6.21-4p
* BigBoss Icon Set - 1.0
* BigBoss Recommended Tools - 1.3.2
* Bloard - 0.1.2-1
* Bootstrap Commands - 60-3p
* Bourne-Again SHell - 4.0.44-15
* Browser Changer - 1.16-5
* BytaFont 2 - 2.5.6
* bzip2 - 1.0.5-7
* CacheClearer - 0.1
* CallBar (iOS 7 & 8) - 0.9-22
* CameraModes - 1.1-1
* CCClockOpenToAlarm8 - 0.0.0-1
* ChargingHelperPlus for iOS 8 - 0.7.2-1
* Class Dump - 3.1.2-x-1.0.1-2p
* Cloaky - 2.2.1-1
* ColorBadges - 1.1.0-1
* Core Utilities - 8.12-12p
* Core Utilities (/bin) - 8.12-7p
* CrashReporter - 1.9.0-1
* CrazyCall - 8.1
* cURL - 7.33.0-8
* Cycript - 0.9.502
* CyDelete8 (iOS 7 and 8) - 1.0.2-1
* Cydia Installer - 1.1.20
* Cydia Substrate - 0.9.5101
* Cydia Translations - 1.1.12
* Darwin CC Tools - 286-8
* Darwin Tools - 1-4
* Debian Packager - 1.14.25-9
* Debian Utilities - 3.3.3ubuntu1-1p
* developer-cmds - 48-2p
* Diff Utilities - 2.8.1-6
* Dim - 1.3.7
* Disk Pie - 1.2
* diskdev-cmds - 421.7-4
* Edit Alarms - 1.1-1
* Erica Utilities - 1:0.4.2
* f.lux - 0.9984
* file-cmds - 220.7-3
* Find Utilities - 4.2.33-6
* FlipControlCenter - 1.0.1
* Flipswitch - 1.0.8
* FolderCloser - 1.2
* ForceGoodFit - 1.0.3-1
* Forecast - 3.2.1-4+debug
* Gawk - 3.1.6-2p
* gettext - 0.17-6
* GIFViewer - 1.0.2-3
* Git - 2.2.0-4
* GNU Debugger - 1518-12
* GNU Privacy Guard - 1.4.8-4
* grep - 2.5.4-3
* gzip - 1.6-7
* hAcx Daemon - 1.0-62
* HiddenConvos - 1.2-1
* HYI Repo Icons - 8.0.1
* iCleaner Pro - 7.4.4
* Icon Tool - 1.8-8
* IconBundles - 0.2-1
* ICQ for OpenNotifier - 2.0
* iFile - 2.2.0-1
* IneffectivePower - 1.2.4-1
* inetutils - 1.6-8
* IOKit Tools - 76-4p
* iOS Firmware - 8.3
* iPhone Firmware (/sbin) - 0-1
* iTransmission 4 - 4.6
* iTunes Radio Unlimited - 1.1.0
* Keyboard Accio - 2.0-3
* less - 418-3
* libcrashreport - 1.0.2-1
* libnet -
* libpackageinfo - 1.0.1-1
* libpcap - 1.0.0-4
* libstatusbar (efrederickson) - 1337-108
* libsymbolicate - 1.8.0-1
* libxml2 - 2.6.32-6
* libxml2 Library - 2.6.32-3
* Link Identity Editor - 1:1.2.1
* Live Battery Indicator iOS 7 - 2.6-1
* locationd Killer - 1.0-6
* LocationHolic(GoogleMaps) - 0.6.31
* LockPages - 1.5.1-16
* Locus - 1.0-3
* lsof - 33-4p
* LZMA Utils - 4.32.7-4
* Make - 3.81-2p
* mikoto - 2.7.2-1
* MTerminal - 1.3-2
* nano - 2.2.6-6
* NCSingleTapClear - 1.1
* neon - 0.26.4-3
* network-cmds - 307.0.1-6
* NetworkList - 0.3
* New Curses - 5.7-13
* Nitrous - 2.5-5
* NoAdStoreOpen - 0.0.2-1
* NoLiveClock - 0.0.1-5
* NoSlowAnimations - 4.2.1
* NoUninstall - 0.2.1-1
* NoVibratedWakeup - 0.3
* NoVoiceMail - 1.0-32
* Numeric GSM Enabler - 1.0
* Numeric Wifi Enabler - 1.1
* Open in ProTube 2 - 2.0.3
* OpenNotifier Beta - tateu - 2.1.1~beta-17
* OpenSSH - 6.7p1-12
* OpenSSL - 0.9.8zg-12
* Pac-Man eats Signal Dots - 1.3.14
* PAM (Apple) - 32.1-3
* PAM Modules - 36.1-4
* patch - 2.5.4-3p
* Patcyh - 1.0.0
* pcre - 8.30-5p
* Photo Info - 2.0.3
* pincrush - 0.9.2-1
* pirni - 1.1.1
* Power Saver Mode - 0.0.1-74
* Power Tap - 1.1.1-24
* PreferenceLoader - 2.2.2
* Profile Directory - 0-2
* ProTube - 1.9.9-6
* pw5a29 New Cydia Repo - 1.0-1
* readline - 6.0-7
* RocketBootstrap - 1.0.2
* rsync - 3.0.5-3
* San Francisco iOS 8 - 1.0.4
* sed - 4.1.5-7
* shell-cmds - 118-6
* ShowCase - 1.3.5-1
* Sicarius - 1.2.1-1
* Spoof CallerID and Voice changer - 8.3
* SQLite 3.x - 3.5.9-12
* SQLite 3.x Library - 3.5.9-2
* StatusVol 2 - 0.7-5
* Stock for OpenNotifier - 1.9.1
* Substrate Safe Mode - 0.9.5000
* Subversion - 1.4.6-2p
* Syslog Commandline - 1.0
* system-cmds - 433.4-12
* TabLess - 1.3
* TaiG 8.1.3-8.x Untether - 2.3
* Tape Archive - 1.19-8
* TechSupport Framework - 1.2.1-1
* TinyBar - 0.1.4-2
* ToneEnabler - 1.1-7
* top - 39-4
* TouchID Everywhere - 0.0.1-286
* tsLock O - 1.0-1
* UIKit Tools - 1.1.10
* Unauthorized Lightning Cable Enabler [ALPHA] - 0.0.1-1
* unrar - 3.6.8-2p
* unzip - 5.52-5p
* Upscale - 0.3.0-3
* UUID Generator - 1.6.0-2p
* Vi IMproved - 7.1-3p
* VKSettings - 3.0.1-1
* VoiceChanger - 0.4-10
* wget - 1.16-4
* WhatsApp Read Receipt Disabler - 0.0.7-1
* whois - 4.7.24-2p
* WiFi Booster - 2.0.1
* WinterBoard - 0.9.3918
* WiPi - 1.4-1
* XAR - 1.5.2-1p
* xCon - 40~beta5
* XML Parser Toolkit - 2.0.1-2p
* xml2 - 0.2-3p
* Zeppelin - 2.1.0-12
* Zeppelin 7Pack iOS 7 - 2.3
* Zeppelin 8Pack iOS 7 - 1.2
* zip - 2.32-5p
Now I use "Near lock" and Spark. But it only last 3 days, and I see a faster drains from first day after upgrade to 8.3.
** Screens: **
** Tweaks **
* 7-zip (POSIX) - 4.57-3p
* Activator - 1.9.5
* Actual Battery - 2.0-4
* adv-cmds - 119-5
* Aeternum -
* Alkaline - 1.3
* AppInfo - 1.6.2
* Apple File Conduit "2" - 1.2
* AppList - 1.5.9
* APR - 1.3.3-4
* APR (/usr/lib) - 1.3.3-2
* APR-util - 1.2.12-5
* APT 0.6 Transitional - 1:0-23
* APT 0.7 (apt-key) -
* APT 0.7 Strict -
* APT 0.7 Strict (lib) -
* AudioRecorder 2 (iOS 8) - 1.0-150
* ayeKit - 1.0.1
* ayeris - 1.2.2
* BackupAZ - 1.8.2
* BarMagnet - 1.8-1
* Base Structure - 1-4
* basic-cmds - 48-2p
* BatteryLife - 1.6.5
* BatteryUsageEnhancer - 0.0.1-27
* Berkeley DB - 4.6.21-4p
* BigBoss Icon Set - 1.0
* BigBoss Recommended Tools - 1.3.2
* Bloard - 0.1.2-1
* Bootstrap Commands - 60-3p
* Bourne-Again SHell - 4.0.44-15
* Browser Changer - 1.16-5
* BytaFont 2 - 2.5.6
* bzip2 - 1.0.5-7
* CacheClearer - 0.1
* CallBar (iOS 7 & 8) - 0.9-22
* CameraModes - 1.1-1
* CCClockOpenToAlarm8 - 0.0.0-1
* ChargingHelperPlus for iOS 8 - 0.7.2-1
* Class Dump - 3.1.2-x-1.0.1-2p
* Cloaky - 2.2.1-1
* ColorBadges - 1.1.0-1
* Core Utilities - 8.12-12p
* Core Utilities (/bin) - 8.12-7p
* CrashReporter - 1.9.0-1
* CrazyCall - 8.1
* cURL - 7.33.0-8
* Cycript - 0.9.502
* CyDelete8 (iOS 7 and 8) - 1.0.2-1
* Cydia Installer - 1.1.20
* Cydia Substrate - 0.9.5101
* Cydia Translations - 1.1.12
* Darwin CC Tools - 286-8
* Darwin Tools - 1-4
* Debian Packager - 1.14.25-9
* Debian Utilities - 3.3.3ubuntu1-1p
* developer-cmds - 48-2p
* Diff Utilities - 2.8.1-6
* Dim - 1.3.7
* Disk Pie - 1.2
* diskdev-cmds - 421.7-4
* Edit Alarms - 1.1-1
* Erica Utilities - 1:0.4.2
* f.lux - 0.9984
* file-cmds - 220.7-3
* Find Utilities - 4.2.33-6
* FlipControlCenter - 1.0.1
* Flipswitch - 1.0.8
* FolderCloser - 1.2
* ForceGoodFit - 1.0.3-1
* Forecast - 3.2.1-4+debug
* Gawk - 3.1.6-2p
* gettext - 0.17-6
* GIFViewer - 1.0.2-3
* Git - 2.2.0-4
* GNU Debugger - 1518-12
* GNU Privacy Guard - 1.4.8-4
* grep - 2.5.4-3
* gzip - 1.6-7
* hAcx Daemon - 1.0-62
* HiddenConvos - 1.2-1
* HYI Repo Icons - 8.0.1
* iCleaner Pro - 7.4.4
* Icon Tool - 1.8-8
* IconBundles - 0.2-1
* ICQ for OpenNotifier - 2.0
* iFile - 2.2.0-1
* IneffectivePower - 1.2.4-1
* inetutils - 1.6-8
* IOKit Tools - 76-4p
* iOS Firmware - 8.3
* iPhone Firmware (/sbin) - 0-1
* iTransmission 4 - 4.6
* iTunes Radio Unlimited - 1.1.0
* Keyboard Accio - 2.0-3
* less - 418-3
* libcrashreport - 1.0.2-1
* libnet -
* libpackageinfo - 1.0.1-1
* libpcap - 1.0.0-4
* libstatusbar (efrederickson) - 1337-108
* libsymbolicate - 1.8.0-1
* libxml2 - 2.6.32-6
* libxml2 Library - 2.6.32-3
* Link Identity Editor - 1:1.2.1
* Live Battery Indicator iOS 7 - 2.6-1
* locationd Killer - 1.0-6
* LocationHolic(GoogleMaps) - 0.6.31
* LockPages - 1.5.1-16
* Locus - 1.0-3
* lsof - 33-4p
* LZMA Utils - 4.32.7-4
* Make - 3.81-2p
* mikoto - 2.7.2-1
* MTerminal - 1.3-2
* nano - 2.2.6-6
* NCSingleTapClear - 1.1
* neon - 0.26.4-3
* network-cmds - 307.0.1-6
* NetworkList - 0.3
* New Curses - 5.7-13
* Nitrous - 2.5-5
* NoAdStoreOpen - 0.0.2-1
* NoLiveClock - 0.0.1-5
* NoSlowAnimations - 4.2.1
* NoUninstall - 0.2.1-1
* NoVibratedWakeup - 0.3
* NoVoiceMail - 1.0-32
* Numeric GSM Enabler - 1.0
* Numeric Wifi Enabler - 1.1
* Open in ProTube 2 - 2.0.3
* OpenNotifier Beta - tateu - 2.1.1~beta-17
* OpenSSH - 6.7p1-12
* OpenSSL - 0.9.8zg-12
* Pac-Man eats Signal Dots - 1.3.14
* PAM (Apple) - 32.1-3
* PAM Modules - 36.1-4
* patch - 2.5.4-3p
* Patcyh - 1.0.0
* pcre - 8.30-5p
* Photo Info - 2.0.3
* pincrush - 0.9.2-1
* pirni - 1.1.1
* Power Saver Mode - 0.0.1-74
* Power Tap - 1.1.1-24
* PreferenceLoader - 2.2.2
* Profile Directory - 0-2
* ProTube - 1.9.9-6
* pw5a29 New Cydia Repo - 1.0-1
* readline - 6.0-7
* RocketBootstrap - 1.0.2
* rsync - 3.0.5-3
* San Francisco iOS 8 - 1.0.4
* sed - 4.1.5-7
* shell-cmds - 118-6
* ShowCase - 1.3.5-1
* Sicarius - 1.2.1-1
* Spoof CallerID and Voice changer - 8.3
* SQLite 3.x - 3.5.9-12
* SQLite 3.x Library - 3.5.9-2
* StatusVol 2 - 0.7-5
* Stock for OpenNotifier - 1.9.1
* Substrate Safe Mode - 0.9.5000
* Subversion - 1.4.6-2p
* Syslog Commandline - 1.0
* system-cmds - 433.4-12
* TabLess - 1.3
* TaiG 8.1.3-8.x Untether - 2.3
* Tape Archive - 1.19-8
* TechSupport Framework - 1.2.1-1
* TinyBar - 0.1.4-2
* ToneEnabler - 1.1-7
* top - 39-4
* TouchID Everywhere - 0.0.1-286
* tsLock O - 1.0-1
* UIKit Tools - 1.1.10
* Unauthorized Lightning Cable Enabler [ALPHA] - 0.0.1-1
* unrar - 3.6.8-2p
* unzip - 5.52-5p
* Upscale - 0.3.0-3
* UUID Generator - 1.6.0-2p
* Vi IMproved - 7.1-3p
* VKSettings - 3.0.1-1
* VoiceChanger - 0.4-10
* wget - 1.16-4
* WhatsApp Read Receipt Disabler - 0.0.7-1
* whois - 4.7.24-2p
* WiFi Booster - 2.0.1
* WinterBoard - 0.9.3918
* WiPi - 1.4-1
* XAR - 1.5.2-1p
* xCon - 40~beta5
* XML Parser Toolkit - 2.0.1-2p
* xml2 - 0.2-3p
* Zeppelin - 2.1.0-12
* Zeppelin 7Pack iOS 7 - 2.3
* Zeppelin 8Pack iOS 7 - 1.2
* zip - 2.32-5p