Hi, i'm posting this, hoping that someone from Apple responds, with some offer of sorting this issue out. Basically 2 months ago a red, vertical line appeared on my 8 month old Imac Pro, I am based in Bali, after speaking to support, I took the device into the local Apple authorized service center, they thought it was a graphics card problem, and ordered a new logic board. I brough the device home, continued working, when the logic board arrived, I took the Imac back in, they kept it overnight, called the next day, said the problem was still there, I collected the Imac, apparently with the new logic board installed. The display was attached to the metal part of the computer with black duck tape, 7 pieces to be precise, a new display is on order. Apparently there were scorch,burn marks on the old, original logic board. Since the new logic board was installed, not only do i still have the red line, I have noticed severe slowing down, and odd behavior with pretty much all of my apps. I am a photographer, re-toucher, and also a time lapser. photo shop kept blocking up, spinning wheel on spot healing, specks off of my stills, something that never happened before the issue, Light room was very slow. I tried Sequence tonight, it is not working properly, crawling through compiling a time lapse. After spending every day, using the same apps, same everything, for 8 months, and then after a visit to an autorized apple center, and the computer is pretty much reacting like my last Macbook pro 2015 model, I know this, as the time lapse I am currently trying to compile, is now in it's 2nd hour, and nowhere near compiled, before the Imac Pro would chew through this in 40 mins. I am very suspicious, not to mention, how the computer does not fit back together properly, I mean, a $6000.00 Imac Pro held together with Gaffer tape? I have requested a replacement Imac Pro to Apple, who simply fob me off with we care??????