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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Dec 27, 2019
Hi, i'm posting this, hoping that someone from Apple responds, with some offer of sorting this issue out. Basically 2 months ago a red, vertical line appeared on my 8 month old Imac Pro, I am based in Bali, after speaking to support, I took the device into the local Apple authorized service center, they thought it was a graphics card problem, and ordered a new logic board. I brough the device home, continued working, when the logic board arrived, I took the Imac back in, they kept it overnight, called the next day, said the problem was still there, I collected the Imac, apparently with the new logic board installed. The display was attached to the metal part of the computer with black duck tape, 7 pieces to be precise, a new display is on order. Apparently there were scorch,burn marks on the old, original logic board. Since the new logic board was installed, not only do i still have the red line, I have noticed severe slowing down, and odd behavior with pretty much all of my apps. I am a photographer, re-toucher, and also a time lapser. photo shop kept blocking up, spinning wheel on spot healing, specks off of my stills, something that never happened before the issue, Light room was very slow. I tried Sequence tonight, it is not working properly, crawling through compiling a time lapse. After spending every day, using the same apps, same everything, for 8 months, and then after a visit to an autorized apple center, and the computer is pretty much reacting like my last Macbook pro 2015 model, I know this, as the time lapse I am currently trying to compile, is now in it's 2nd hour, and nowhere near compiled, before the Imac Pro would chew through this in 40 mins. I am very suspicious, not to mention, how the computer does not fit back together properly, I mean, a $6000.00 Imac Pro held together with Gaffer tape? I have requested a replacement Imac Pro to Apple, who simply fob me off with we care??????


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geeze, yeah I'd press for replacement. Document all thios with an Apple support case. Won't do you much good to post it here unfortunately. try to get your case escalated to senior tech support.
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geeze, yeah I'd press for replacement. Document all thios with an Apple support case. Won't do you much good to post it here unfortunately. try to get your case escalated to senior tech support.
Hey thanks for responding, yes I reported the issue straight away, had a call with a senior advisor within the support team, and still getting nowhere. My concerns are this, if the technician who dismantled the computer managed to break the brackets holding the display on, how can he be qualified to install the logic board correctly.
Be your own advocate. Keep calling until it's fixed. Anytime someone says "we'll let you know and call you back" they won't. Keep pressing. Keep going. You did the right thing, but often companies do not, because they're too big. Keep going until you find someone who will actually do something.
Your iMac Pro is assembled with tape - that's how it comes from the factory, with internal strips of double-sided tape that you have to slice apart to disassemble your iMac. I suspect that the shop, knowing that the display panel still needed to be replaced, did a temporary install, so they don't have to waste a set of replacement tape strips. (But even then, you should have been told at the pickup of your not-repaired system, that the external tape would be properly done when the display was replaced.)
No worries about broken brackets, as the display assembly - as I already stated above - is held in place by strips of double-sided tape. That's how Apple builds all current iMacs!
What the hell have they done to that thing?? It should fit back on with no issues at all. NO MATTER WHAT THEY DID TO IT - if they have somehow messed it up beyond being able to apply tape back and stick the screen, I would be more impressed than anything -- that would be SO hard to mess up!!??

Are you sure this was an Authorized Apple place?? Because no way in hell would I expect anyone to diagnose that issue as anything other than the LCD.
Be sure to take care: Make sure that your chosen repair shop is actually an Apple-authorised service shop. Call Apple support to get that information.
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