Could it be enough with 8 GB?
I feel 16GB would be better with that type of workload.Hello,
I am not sure..please enlighten me if possible, a bit?
I have average 20 tabs open, Photoshop (light work), XD, Illustrator, Indesign,..
Graphic/ui designer. Could it be enough with 8 GB?
Thank you
I'm beginning to agree with this. Maybe an Air with an 8GB would be fine, but ultimately if you're in the Pro forum, get the 1616GB 100%. Performance, future proof, better resale value. Do not buy a Macbook, or any laptop or computer for that matter, with only 8GB of RAM in 2020
BTW, here's some actual data on the 8GB vs 16GB question.
Laptop Magazine ran a bunch of common use scenarios and came up with a chart showing that 8GB served fine for all common tasks.
So thanks for the interesting chart, but I'd still advise any graphical artist to go for 16gb.