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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Mar 12, 2012
Northern California
I’m on the fence and not sure what to do. I love my 8 Plus...I’ve owned all iterations and think it’s the best I’ve ever had.

That said, the Xs Max intrigues me like a siren song. anybody doing this upgrade and if so, would like your reasoning as to the advantages.

I know, I know...nobody can make up my mind for me. Just interested in opinions so please be kind
I had all the off the smaller iPhone's until last year. Then I got my 8+ and fell in love with the bigger screen! The max is in the same body but you get a bigger screen so there shouldn't be a issue I'd think.

I know in video it's hard to get a good feeling for the size you won't know until it's your hand and you see that OLED turn on and you'll be like "well I can't go back to a smaller phone after this"
After having a Plus size since 2014 (6 Plus), then 8+ last year. I did get the X in Nov., it was a very nice phone - even after all that griping about the "notch" - it was a BUT I missed the landscape mode, the full size of those plus models. - Ended up returning the X in early Jan (Apple had a extended return policy at the time, so it was a nice "test drive.")

This XS Max should be perfect!
Yeah...the price when you see it in cart is "!"

Then you click order and simply try to forget, block out that next credit card statement. When the phone arrives, you do forget the price...the excitement is totally worth it :)
I love my 8 Plus.

It’s a total workhorse, great big bright screen, tons of storage, etc.

But I’m getting a 256GB Max.

The extra screen real estate and better battery life is great, but I think the 4 GB RAM tipped me over the edge.

I think it will reduce tabs and apps refreshes — which already aren’t too bad with the 8 Plus.

BTW I think I’m keeping my 8 Plus, too. I’m not ready to say goodbye.
XS Max no doubt, better camera, more RAM, much better and immersive screen with OLED, improved stereo speakers, newer design for the next decade... the 8 Plus just looks like a dated brick next to the XS Max.
XS Max no doubt, better camera, more RAM, much better and immersive screen with OLED, improved stereo speakers, newer design for the next decade... the 8 Plus just looks like a dated brick next to the XS Max.

But it’s a hard workin’ brick.
10s max may be beautiful but it is not clear that access to all parts of the screen is easy. It is already a stretch on Plus models.
Worth looking and feeling it before taking the plunge
I got the xs max 256gb. Coming from iPhone 8 Plus. The main reason I avoided the iPhone X 2017 was due to the size and battery.

The plus size I know i can get a full heavy use day out. The regular size X was no better than the iPhone 8 (4.7) in terms of battery.

So battery life is most important to me. And I know the iPhone XS max will give me similar battery life.

It’s expensive. I may trade in my wife iPhone 7 Plus 128 for $285 to Apple and give her my iPhone 8 Plus 64gb
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I'm doing this.

The Xs Max is the phone I have wanted Apple to build for several years now - ever since I bought my first pair of smartphones (a pair of Samsung S5) - and it's finally here. Full screen edge-to-edge, great camera that idiots like me can actually use and benefit from, and what is essentially a computer in the hand. That display looks juicy....

My smartphone "experiment" was with a pair of S5s - but not long after using them began to notice things that the Apple owners talked about being an issue. I made it a point to allow that experience to springboard some research I needed to do on the topic, took notes along the way, and had come to the conclusion that Apple would likely be in my future, especially once the "full screen" concept was realized. I'm not one to just up and buy the latest gadget every year - I tend to milk out what I can from them before giving up. I got that pair of S5s brand new for $600 total. So it was worth the look-see and the experience of it, for not much invested.

My S5 took a dive last December - nine months too early as I was holding out for Apple's "X Plus". But I had to buy a phone, and didn't like the X screen size. Wanted something bigger in the 16 x 9 space. So I bought an Apple 8 Plus, 256GB, just as another experiment, figuring I could sell it if I wanted to bail on it. I got that phone two days ahead of a new Year's trip to NYC, and had a host of ticket stuff go bad on day one and on NYE itself. I literally had that phone in hand for the third and fifth day of ownership respectively, having never owned or used an Apple phone before, and that phone bailed me out of jams all week. Spent a couple of hours setting it up/loading apps and a few things and it was "game on" WRT functionality. I was sold on it by the time I got home.

My wife's Samsung is now limping along on it's last legs, as we've been "nursing" this phone to the Apple Xs Max finish line. So as I told my cell agent today, "This is the weirdest day of my life - lining up on pre-order day to buy a smartphone". But the situation warranted it - especially in light of the fact that the Gold Xs Max will be a hot seller, especially in bigger hard drive considerations.

I really like the 8 Plus, and I think my wife will get along with it great (save for the eventual Face ID and other trick envy and maybe the size). I think the home button is a better logical migration for her on the 8, as well as the 16 x 9 layout of the screen. I'll do better clunking through the lack of home button and retooling that old habit, and my larger hands will navigate the Xs Max screen just fine (although I know many might have issue). I don't know how I will respond to the no-home button - I've heard some say it trips them up for a while, but once brain retools and it "clicks" it's a non issue. I've seen others switch back to the 8 plus from the X over this and the screen dimension. I think the screen dimension issue is fixed for me - and I expect I will learn the "home" thing just fine. Eventually. My wife being completely tech troubled will make the change to the 8 Plus much more readily, I think. If not, I'll sell it and get her the one she wants.

But for me, the Xs Max is a no brainer - what I had pretty much dialed up in my head I wanted Apple to do upon pondering a pretty much ideal smartphone. Not a fan of being all shrouded in glass, but it's not like I have much choice these days, especially in high end product, so that's about the only complaint (I would buy an Xs Max with side edges like an Apple 5S/SE if they sold it, just to try to get it more bulletproof). And so they have otherwise built that close to ideal phone that I've thought would suit me, and so here I am to grab one.

Oh, and I got a $300 bill credit on mine this morning through my cellular carrier so I'm rather giddy with the unanticipated savings.

Now to wait for it to get here.........
I too have an 8+ but was on the fence about upgrading. After seeing some coworkers with the X OLED screen I really liked it but wanted a tad bigger screen since I was used to the + screen. Then I saw the Max is almost the same size frame as the 8+ I said why not? Also, I don’t plan on upgrading every year or probably every other year. I had a 7+ and gave it to my wife (she doesn’t care too much about specs & doesn’t need the latest phone) and I got the 8+. Now I’ll get rid of the 7+unlocked and give her my 8+.

Before her killing her previous phone I was going to keep the 7+ for quite some time but had to get a new phone.

So in a nutshell, I upgraded because it was worth the $5/month more for more screen in practically the same frame body I currently have with a better looking screen, better camera.

I agree with the other comments made here stating people aren’t going to upgrade as often as they used to. These phones are becoming very expensive. Additionally, if taken care of they last a very long time and Apple supporting them via iOS updates is a plus.
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It's fairly simple to do a comparison , go to iPhones. then use the compare iPhones tab on the right. If you look at the 8 plus & XS max side by side you will very LITTLE difference- except the XS Max is even heavier. The iOS 12 software update next Monday will make the most difference.
It's fairly simple to do a comparison , go to iPhones. then use the compare iPhones tab on the right. If you look at the 8 plus & XS max side by side you will very LITTLE difference- except the XS Max is even heavier. The iOS 12 software update next Monday will make the most difference.
I actually did that; however, I disagree there is a “little” difference between the two. There is 1 inch more of screen on the Max versus the 8+. That, IMO, is a substantial difference on a phone screen.
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I actually did that; however, I disagree there is a “little” difference between the two. There is 1 inch more of screen on the Max versus the 8+. That, IMO, is a substantial difference on a phone screen.
I had the X and even though the screen (diagonal) is "bigger" - overall images & more important (to me) the font is MUCH bigger in Zoomed mode (not available on the X series) on the 8+ . Animojies are stupid to anyone over 21 & I don't game on a phone so FOR ME, the 8+ with iOS12 will be great for another year or two. Your mileage may vary, different iPhones for different folks.
I had the X and even though the screen (diagonal) is "bigger" - overall images & more important (to me) the font is MUCH bigger in Zoomed mode (not available on the X series) on the 8+ . Animojies are stupid to anyone over 21 & I don't game on a phone so FOR ME, the 8+ with iOS12 will be great for another year or two. Your mileage may vary, different iPhones for different folks.
Actually the X is smaller compared to the 8 because the X is a tad bit narrower than the 8. I agree animojies are useless to me and different needs for different people.
I love the 8 Plus, it's been great and i'm happy with the battery life but better battery is ALWAYS appreciated.

But i've decided to upgrade to the gold 256 gb. It was the camera upgrade that persuaded me. I've been delighted with ths 8 Plus camera, i've gotten some amazing concert and travel photos from it, and as a keen amateur photographer i appreciate the improvements. I'm very excited to try it out! =D and the bigger screen is a major plus for me as i do used my phone to view a lot of content.
The Xs Max is what i wanted from Apple last year. My oldest son needed a new phone but if anyone is getting anything new it is dad. At first I decided to 8 Plus it and wait and see what happens this year so ordered an upgrade on my line in September. But when the X came out I couldn't resist so the wife's line was upgraded to the X. I carried that for almost 2 weeks but like others have said while the all screen design was great, the missing features of the plus models turned me off. The screen was also so narrow and the battery life at launch was abysmal for me. Notch nor missing Touch ID were an issue for me. Returned the X and got another 8 Plus.

Woke up this morning and ordered the SG 256gb Xs Max on upgrade from the first 8 Plus purchased last year. With the cost this one will hold me for a few years. Excited to get the X form factor again but with the larger screen and plus model features.
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