Are you referring to the 16GB model? If so that's $900 every 2 years. Half that for one year. Also includes AppleCare+.Am I reading this right?
Now mind you, I only quickly glanced at the terms when going to Apple's site to ready my preorder for the iPhone 6S PLUS.
They want over $900 to get a new phone every year?
Are you referring to the 16GB model? If so that's $900 every 2 years. Half that for one year. Also includes AppleCare+.
Looking at the 128GB iPhone 6 Pkus
The payment terms are 24 installments for the full retail price of the phone, plus the price AppleCare+. The advantage is that you only have to make 12 installments before trading in your device and upgrading to the newest one.
Really you end up paying half-price for the phone over a year and can always stay up on the latest iPhone tech.
You asked a simple question that could have been answered by looking at the exact page you claimed to be looking at. I honestly have no idea how you could have come up with $900 – that price isn't listed anywhere on the page and none of the monthly installment pricing adds up to that.
It's that time of year again where the forums go down the hole.You asked a simple question that could have been answered by looking at the exact page you claimed to be looking at. I honestly have no idea how you could have come up with $900 – that price isn't listed anywhere on the page and none of the monthly installment pricing adds up to that.
It's that time of year again where the forums go down the hole.
Your question didn't ask what retail was...Actually No.
Go configure a 128GB Plus and see the price Apple gives you. It is over $900
And again I had mere minutes to glance at it
As such, don't make them go down the drain with pretty clearly written info available.Agreed
My best guess is what you glanced at was the retail price. Just a mistake people...move on.
We were always pretty much paying full price for the phone even with the subsidies through our carriers.
With the Next or Edge program, sure. You may not pay full price right away, but eventually you either pay off the phone to own it, or keep turning it in while never owning it. The money eventually will end up out of your pocket one way or another.
Yeah, there is some confusion here on my part.
The way I understood it, when watching yesterday's keynote, was that Apple was introducing a program whereas someone could get a new iPhone every year with monthly payments.
So, going to the preorder checker website, it appears that it's NOT Apple's program but rather the NEXT program.
I am not yet eligible for the program, so I will have to shell out $900+ (minus about $450 for my iPhone 6 Plus I am trading in).
However, in another year, I am eligible to get into the NEXT program as I will be out of contract with the current purchase.
Do I have all this correct?
Sort of... AT&T charges a device usage fee per month in their new mobile share plans between $15-$25 a month. I ran the numbers and the cheapest option is still buying the phone subsidized and staying on the older plans. They wouldn't be aggressively phasing out the unlimited plans and what not if they brought in more money than the current ones.I think people are forgetting that since the phone is not being subsidized anymore, the wireless plans are cheaper than what they would have payed with a subsidized phone.