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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jul 30, 2010
Just like the Mac Pro price drop. $499 Mac Mini now free. What do you think?
I'd say that I'd be pretty p*ss*d if that were true, considering that I just got a mini less than a week ago.

If you ever run into this for real, you can get Apple to refund you the difference if the price of an Apple product ever drops within 10 days of you purchasing it. You just need to request to get compensated for a price drop. I think it's only valid within 10 days, but it might be 14 days. This is somewhere in their sales policy. I've used this perk twice myself.
If you ever run into this for real, you can get Apple to refund you the difference if the price of an Apple product ever drops within 10 days of you purchasing it. You just need to request to get compensated for a price drop. I think it's only valid within 10 days, but it might be 14 days. This is somewhere in their sales policy. I've used this perk twice myself.
Would this include if it were bought through an authorized, third party, retailer? I bought mine from Simply Mac since there isn't a legit Apple store in the area.
Check the retailer's policy. Many stores give you 15 days to return/exchange a product for any reason with no questions asked. I have done this at Best Buy for example.

But seeing the $1000 Mini drop to $500 next week isn't very likely. ;)
I would frankly love for Mac mini to go the other route. Back in the 80s and 90s, Sony made these My First Sony audio products for kids, a lower priced rugged "toy" designed to introduce their brand to younger demographic.


Mac mini was intended to do the same, bringing Windows users into the Mac world. Well, some folks no doubt buy Mac mini for just that purpose. But plenty of us use Mac mini for more advanced tasks, often spending $999 or more.

If it means more respect and frequent updates, give Mac mini more modern components (iMac grade CPU, 8GB and up, SSD only) charge accordingly ($999 entry level price).
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