I'm not sure if any of you remember... But in 2010 AT&T was overloaded on its network (this is back when iPhone was only on AT&T) When I updated my iOS I went from 5 bars to 2 bars and nothing I could do about it. I looked at other iPhones back then with the same latest iOS update and the signal was terrible as well.. So I jailbroke my iphone thinking I could fix and get my signal back to full bars.. Well I couldn't....
I believe back then Apple purposely did something in its software update to dumb down everyone's signal to help out AT&T network... And at the same time back then when all of this was happening I read an article that AT&T needed to upgrade it's network badly, but needed a crap load of billions of dollars and they were holding off for awhile...
AT&T network needed upgraded but they didn't want to spend the money and iPhones signals were worse after the iOS update..hmm...
I'm pretty smart at figuring things out by putting the pieces together...unfortunately the masses are kind of stupid. This was roughly same time period when the iPhone 4 had signal problems when holding the phone a certain way... Remember that lol. Doesthe iPhone 4 still have that problem? I'm guessing no... Weird hmm
I believe back then Apple purposely did something in its software update to dumb down everyone's signal to help out AT&T network... And at the same time back then when all of this was happening I read an article that AT&T needed to upgrade it's network badly, but needed a crap load of billions of dollars and they were holding off for awhile...
AT&T network needed upgraded but they didn't want to spend the money and iPhones signals were worse after the iOS update..hmm...
I'm pretty smart at figuring things out by putting the pieces together...unfortunately the masses are kind of stupid. This was roughly same time period when the iPhone 4 had signal problems when holding the phone a certain way... Remember that lol. Doesthe iPhone 4 still have that problem? I'm guessing no... Weird hmm