Deeply thanks for your kind help in this retro-quest!
Your suggestion put me in the right direction and I kept digging in sourceforge until I found out that the most recent version able to compile successfully on my eMac 1.25Ghz using (Sorbet) Leopard is r522:
After fiddling a bit I was able to make it work manually and also using brew (tigerbrew).
Manual install instructions
Download the zip file above, extract it and open a terminal and navigate to the folder where you extracted the zip file.
Then get in the repo folder using:
cd fatsort-code-r522-trunk
and then run:
At this point fatsort should be installed and you can test with:
Brew install instructions
I tried installing fatsort using brew (tigerbrew):
But this caused an error about non existing file because the url provided in the formula seems to be gone.
Fixed the formula editing /usr/local/Library/Formula/fatsort.rb (if you don't have this file be sure to run brew install fatsort first), removing all the content and pasting the following:
class Fatsort < Formula
desc "Sorts FAT16 and FAT32 partitions"
homepage ""
url ""
sha256 "a835b47814fd30d5bad464b839e9fc404bc1a6f5a5b1f6ed760ce9744915de95"
depends_on "help2man"
def install
system "make", "CC=#{}"
bin.install "src/fatsort"
man1.install "man/fatsort.1"
I tested the corrected formula and it seems to work fine so I created
a pull request to get it into tigerbrew.
Once this is pull request approved our next install should be as easy as:
brew update
brew install fatsort
The above command worked perfect on my eMac g4 with Leopard.
On my iMac g3 with Tiger the same command returned errors and to make it work I had to use:
brew update
brew install fatsort --cc=gcc-4.0
Troubleshooting (maybe valid for both solutions, I am not sure)
1) Libiconv error
I got some errors related to missing libraries and during my manual fix I had to install libiconv, I did that using brew (
2) Locale error
When I ran fatsort I got a locale error:
WARNING: The C locale does not support all multibyte characters!
This was because I had to fix the locale on my Mac.
I was not sure about what to do so I decide testing a new locale configuration at runtime before making it permanent.
I did that with the following commands:
export LANG=en_US.UTF-8
export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8
Then I tried running fatsort and all was fine!
So I made the fix to my locale permanent:
echo 'export LANG=en_US.UTF-8' >> ~/.bash_profile
echo 'export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8' >> ~/.bash_profile
And activated the new locale so I did not have to restart my terminal:
This makes possible to install fatsort with a simple:
I am currently trying to get the latest version working, in case I have some success I will update this post.