(Edit to add some screenshots I took during a conversation in this thread. This is where I am now. Home screen, and screen with full list of apps I get with just a two finger swipe up "since the list rises from the bottom it is like "natural" scrolling that way. When I need navigation bar I swipe bottom. Same goes for top and status bar. When I swipe sideways the apps spin around while their axis stays centered in the middle which is more elegant and less confusing in my opinion- you aren't jerked to the side of the screen just to return focus to the center again- you stay center.)
Just the bottom:
Two finger swipe up
(The line at the side is scroll bar)
Hi. While the beggining of this post describes the Galaxy S8 it is in the context of Apple and the last half of it kind of relates these points back to Apple.
I got the iphone 6 as soon as it was available and haven't upgraded till today. Was hoping to get an iphone (ofcourse) until I saw the 8 and X. Might have swung for 8 if it had OLED. X looks nice. Too expensive. OLED screen only 68% bright as S8 (verified.) the >1k phone stigma, elephant in the room.. (If the price was justified that wouldn't be the case.)
Things to love about the S8 and what to miss from Apple:
I love the screen! Really feels like the first time I turned on a retina macbook pro, first edition. An essential part of that is the Blue Light Filter is adjustable! Otherwise that amount of screen, with such a high pixel density (3k) and would be harsh with the amount of brightness you're getting. Honestly for my taste this is essential.
The equalizer in mixing music is like the screen of a smart phone. It makes the most difference. Whether you qualitively value that less than other factors is variable imo. I went with regular s8 beacause more pixel density, just a plus that it's more portable.
Default resolution was only half of what it's capable of, so crank that up. I prefer text and scaling at medium.
Dissapearing beizel /curved screen is tasteful and smooth. I thought it would just be gimmicky but it's sweet. (Again adjustable Blue Light is key.) If you paint (if that's acceptable, or obscure appearance) the bottom beizel a different color the phone literally dissapears. This is because although quite small the symmatry of the top and bottom beizles call attention to them, while if the bottom is obscured or changed than they each become just a part of the screen you ignore- if that makes sense.
Also this thing is comfortable as hell to hold.
The back of it is not as nice to look at as an iPhone. But after using it I would prefer this to metal just because of how comfortable it is, having both to do with material and shape. And the weight distribution is very nice, makes it feel lighter to me than my iPhone 6. Without researching their actual weights what I mean is that in holding the S8 there are no points of uncomfortable pressure on the hand and less drag.
What I regret not having: 1) True tone. I only demoed it once on an ipad in a store a while ago so while it's not fresh in my mind it's a desireable feature. However not having an OLED or 'super' kind of defeats the purpose to me.
2) iOS keyboard although the android one may grow on me as I get use to it and experiment with the haptic feedback.
(I'm still learning Android replacements and will update if I can't find some replacements for features i.e. airdrop.)
In my opinion the chance is strong Apple will have another revolution soon similar to when they went to Intel for the first time. Think about how good that was for them. This change might be embracing things like open formats (hdmi, imac as a monitor?) especially as the groundwork is already laid with USB-C. It would be great if they opened up customizability for the advanced users. The X will come down in price. I'm not sure what it feels like to use, but my expectations were blown away by the S8.
I hope this helps someone else who'se never looked at an Android before. Why am I taking the time to post here, of all places? Unless someone wants to ask, an explenation right now seems pedantic to me under present circumstances. Apple's not a bad company they just had the rug pulled out a little at the moment and it's not going to be difficult for them to aquire the tech they see fit.
I always supported Apple because I thought they put philosophy before profit. (I had to buy a new mac recently after burglary, bought a 21" imac a few months before refresh.) Besides not being able to run an egpu because they didn't put thunderbolt 3 on the 21," or the baffling 1999 default hard drive, (high sierra, fusion?) the integrated graphics, and the lack of expandability (Apple is so good at design. If they wanted expandability, or even to use your mac as a display, they would do it.) I happened to notice that they went out of their way to remove the mounting holes in the iMac and make the stand non-detatchable. They went out of their way to do that. and I know that's not iPhone but combined with recent stuff and just in general I felt Apple's philosophical interest had strayed, for the time being. But easily fixed. It's turned into a company I admired as a kid because they positioned tech with soul and creativity, and maybe charged what they had to, and now charge what they can. But no worries they have a healthy reserve from which to innovate again and embrace their customers by doing nice things they like (such as expandability, which I feel is coming) instead of just what their consumers will let them get away with. So in this way I honestly thing my critique is healthy for Apple and belongs here because:
If Apple doesn't feel pressure from it's consumers (fans) than it's nature as a company, board of directors etc, will drive it to take advantage of the consumer rather than cater to them. The latter of which naturally encourages innovation, the former innovative prices.
Lol or feats of bravery like my beloved headphone jack. Alright hope this has helped someone but I am also curious about responses, agree or disagree? Anything is fine.

Just the bottom:
Two finger swipe up

(The line at the side is scroll bar)
Hi. While the beggining of this post describes the Galaxy S8 it is in the context of Apple and the last half of it kind of relates these points back to Apple.
I got the iphone 6 as soon as it was available and haven't upgraded till today. Was hoping to get an iphone (ofcourse) until I saw the 8 and X. Might have swung for 8 if it had OLED. X looks nice. Too expensive. OLED screen only 68% bright as S8 (verified.) the >1k phone stigma, elephant in the room.. (If the price was justified that wouldn't be the case.)
Things to love about the S8 and what to miss from Apple:
I love the screen! Really feels like the first time I turned on a retina macbook pro, first edition. An essential part of that is the Blue Light Filter is adjustable! Otherwise that amount of screen, with such a high pixel density (3k) and would be harsh with the amount of brightness you're getting. Honestly for my taste this is essential.
The equalizer in mixing music is like the screen of a smart phone. It makes the most difference. Whether you qualitively value that less than other factors is variable imo. I went with regular s8 beacause more pixel density, just a plus that it's more portable.
Default resolution was only half of what it's capable of, so crank that up. I prefer text and scaling at medium.
Dissapearing beizel /curved screen is tasteful and smooth. I thought it would just be gimmicky but it's sweet. (Again adjustable Blue Light is key.) If you paint (if that's acceptable, or obscure appearance) the bottom beizel a different color the phone literally dissapears. This is because although quite small the symmatry of the top and bottom beizles call attention to them, while if the bottom is obscured or changed than they each become just a part of the screen you ignore- if that makes sense.
Also this thing is comfortable as hell to hold.
The back of it is not as nice to look at as an iPhone. But after using it I would prefer this to metal just because of how comfortable it is, having both to do with material and shape. And the weight distribution is very nice, makes it feel lighter to me than my iPhone 6. Without researching their actual weights what I mean is that in holding the S8 there are no points of uncomfortable pressure on the hand and less drag.
What I regret not having: 1) True tone. I only demoed it once on an ipad in a store a while ago so while it's not fresh in my mind it's a desireable feature. However not having an OLED or 'super' kind of defeats the purpose to me.
2) iOS keyboard although the android one may grow on me as I get use to it and experiment with the haptic feedback.
(I'm still learning Android replacements and will update if I can't find some replacements for features i.e. airdrop.)
In my opinion the chance is strong Apple will have another revolution soon similar to when they went to Intel for the first time. Think about how good that was for them. This change might be embracing things like open formats (hdmi, imac as a monitor?) especially as the groundwork is already laid with USB-C. It would be great if they opened up customizability for the advanced users. The X will come down in price. I'm not sure what it feels like to use, but my expectations were blown away by the S8.
I hope this helps someone else who'se never looked at an Android before. Why am I taking the time to post here, of all places? Unless someone wants to ask, an explenation right now seems pedantic to me under present circumstances. Apple's not a bad company they just had the rug pulled out a little at the moment and it's not going to be difficult for them to aquire the tech they see fit.
I always supported Apple because I thought they put philosophy before profit. (I had to buy a new mac recently after burglary, bought a 21" imac a few months before refresh.) Besides not being able to run an egpu because they didn't put thunderbolt 3 on the 21," or the baffling 1999 default hard drive, (high sierra, fusion?) the integrated graphics, and the lack of expandability (Apple is so good at design. If they wanted expandability, or even to use your mac as a display, they would do it.) I happened to notice that they went out of their way to remove the mounting holes in the iMac and make the stand non-detatchable. They went out of their way to do that. and I know that's not iPhone but combined with recent stuff and just in general I felt Apple's philosophical interest had strayed, for the time being. But easily fixed. It's turned into a company I admired as a kid because they positioned tech with soul and creativity, and maybe charged what they had to, and now charge what they can. But no worries they have a healthy reserve from which to innovate again and embrace their customers by doing nice things they like (such as expandability, which I feel is coming) instead of just what their consumers will let them get away with. So in this way I honestly thing my critique is healthy for Apple and belongs here because:
If Apple doesn't feel pressure from it's consumers (fans) than it's nature as a company, board of directors etc, will drive it to take advantage of the consumer rather than cater to them. The latter of which naturally encourages innovation, the former innovative prices.
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