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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Jan 1, 2008
On The Nickel, over there....
A friend on another forum is having the following problem:

"For the past week or so I've had trouble displaying amazon web pages on my computer (I have a Mac). The only pages I have a problem with are when I click on a book title....the page that gives the info about the book, reviews, etc. Only the top half of the page displays, down to just where the content description starts. The rest of the screen remains no reviews, etc. And the 'click to buy' buttons don't work either. In fact I have trouble even backing out of the screen. Has anyone else experienced this??? Amazon is absolutely the only website I am having this problem with. I'm not even sure where to go to ask about it. None of amazon's help screens deal with having trouble on their website, rather they focus on problems with kindles, fire, etc.

I figure if anyone knows what to do, it will be someone here.

Thanks guys."

She's running Yosemite 10.10.3 with Safari 8.0.5.
Does this sound at all familiar to anyone? I've come up empty. Thanks for any help/advice!
Good question, I don't know.
I run AdBlock and Web Of Trust and have no problems with Amazon. I will ask.
Do you have any specific extensions in mind?
I'm also wondering about clearing caches in Safari. I thought I knew how, but I don't. Does anyone?
same here

I've been having the same problem—book websites on Amazon do not completely load. They kind of freeze the page. When I scoll down, the scrollbar does not move. About half way down the page it becomes all white, like someone took a scissors and cut off the bottom half of the page.

Safari user. (7.1.5) My only extension is the amazon wish list one. When I shut that off, it changes nothing.

The problem only happens when I am logged in to Amazon to buy things or add to my wishlist. If I'm logged out, the site works perfectly. It's frustrating.

I've emptied the cache, but not done any high-level tricks, like rewrite code or explore dns servers because I'm not that savvy. :confused:
I've been having the same problem—book websites on Amazon do not completely load. They kind of freeze the page. When I scoll down, the scrollbar does not move. About half way down the page it becomes all white, like someone took a scissors and cut off the bottom half of the page.

Safari user. (7.1.5) My only extension is the amazon wish list one. When I shut that off, it changes nothing.

The problem only happens when I am logged in to Amazon to buy things or add to my wishlist. If I'm logged out, the site works perfectly. It's frustrating.

I've emptied the cache, but not done any high-level tricks, like rewrite code or explore dns servers because I'm not that savvy. :confused:

I'm using Safari 7.1.5 with no problems at all on Amazon. My friend, running 8.0.5, has the problem. She was on the phone with Amazon's tech for a long time, trying everything. He finally told her to download Google Chrome. She did, it works fine, and now that's what she uses for Amazon.
A friend on another forum is having the following problem:

"For the past week or so I've had trouble displaying amazon web pages on my computer (I have a Mac). The only pages I have a problem with are when I click on a book title....the page that gives the info about the book, reviews, etc. Only the top half of the page displays, down to just where the content description starts. The rest of the screen remains no reviews, etc. And the 'click to buy' buttons don't work either. In fact I have trouble even backing out of the screen. Has anyone else experienced this??? Amazon is absolutely the only website I am having this problem with. I'm not even sure where to go to ask about it. None of amazon's help screens deal with having trouble on their website, rather they focus on problems with kindles, fire, etc.

I figure if anyone knows what to do, it will be someone here.

Thanks guys."

She's running Yosemite 10.10.3 with Safari 8.0.5.
Does this sound at all familiar to anyone? I've come up empty. Thanks for any help/advice!


I've had this several times and it seems to be Javascript related, based on the URL that I usually see for the non-displaying page. The fix I use, which has worked every time so far, is to

• In Safari/Preferences/Security, UNcheck "Javascript", then
• Quit Safari, then re-open it again, then
• Go back to Prefs above, and REcheck "Javascript", and finally
• Refresh Safari a few times

Not sure if all those steps are required, but it's what I've been doing. Hope it helps!
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I've had this several times and it seems to be Javascript related, based on the URL that I usually see for the non-displaying page. The fix I use, which has worked every time so far, is to

• In Safari/Preferences/Security, UNcheck "Javascript", then
• Quit Safari, then re-open it again, then
• Go back to Prefs above, and REcheck "Javascript", and finally
• Refresh Safari a few times

Not sure if all those steps are required, but it's what I've been doing. Hope it helps!

Thanks! I will pass this info along.
I have the problem on two iMacs now - had it for a few weeks at work, and now it also started at home. Not only for books, also for other goods. Amazon becomes unusable by this issue. Switching off Javascript helps - but I need it for other sites I use regularly.
I had this problem. I found that turning Javascript off and/or unchecking the advanced Safari Preference setting of having a minimum font size would fix the problem. But Javascript is needed for some websites, and I need to set a minimum font size.

I reset the SMC, which is:

1. Shut down the Mac.

2. Unplug the Mac from the power outlet.

3. Press the power button for five seconds.

4. Plug the Mac back into the power outlet.

After I did this, my iMac booted up. I logged in, and went to, and I found that everything on the website worked as it should with no lockups and no beachballs.
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I had this problem. I found that turning Javascript off and/or unchecking the advanced Safari Preference setting of having a minimum font size would fix the problem. But Javascript is needed for some websites, and I need to set a minimum font size.

I reset the SMC, which is:

1. Shut down the Mac.

2. Unplug the Mac from the power outlet.

3. Press the power button for five seconds.

4. Plug the Mac back into the power outlet.

After I did this, my iMac booted up. I logged in, and went to, and I found that everything on the website worked as it should with no lockups and no beachballs.

It actually seems to be the advanced font setting. If I switch it off, Amazon pages load just fine. Unfortunately resetting the SMC didn't help - the freezing is back as soon as I switch that setting on again (with a minimum font size of 16). Maybe time for a bug report to Apple, as it's perfectly reproducible now. Thanks a lot for that hint!
A friend on another forum is having the following problem:

"For the past week or so I've had trouble displaying amazon web pages on my computer (I have a Mac). The only pages I have a problem with are when I click on a book title....the page that gives the info about the book, reviews, etc. Only the top half of the page displays, down to just where the content description starts. The rest of the screen remains no reviews, etc. And the 'click to buy' buttons don't work either. In fact I have trouble even backing out of the screen. Has anyone else experienced this??? Amazon is absolutely the only website I am having this problem with. I'm not even sure where to go to ask about it. None of amazon's help screens deal with having trouble on their website, rather they focus on problems with kindles, fire, etc.

I figure if anyone knows what to do, it will be someone here.

Thanks guys."

She's running Yosemite 10.10.3 with Safari 8.0.5.
Does this sound at all familiar to anyone? I've come up empty. Thanks for any help/advice!

Hello there
I'm running Safari 9.0.2 and OS 10.11.2 I had the same issues, and just like your friend, they were only on Amazon. I' had recently increased the font size on Safari and after a few frustrating days of pages not loading on Amazon, I finally realized that is when my problem first started.... I have to admit, the freezing and not loading had me baffled for several days. After reducing my font size to 14 all the issues resolved themselves (I have a 27"iMac so it may require a small font size on smaller screens)

Anyway, here is the fix that worked for me..... Go to Safari; Preferences; Advanced; Accessibility, then check the box and I set the font size to 14

Hope this helps someone,

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Hello there
I'm running Safari 9.0.2 and OS 10.11.2 I had the same issues, and just like your friend, they were only on Amazon. I' had recently increased the font size on Safari and after a few frustrating days of pages not loading on Amazon, I finally realized that is when my problem first started.... I have to admit, the freezing and not loading had me baffled for several days. After reducing my font size to 14 all the issues resolved themselves (I have a 27"iMac so it may require a small font size on smaller screens)

Anyway, here is the fix that worked for me..... Go to Safari; Preferences; Advanced; Accessibility, then check the box and I set the font size to 14

Hope this helps someone,


I tried changing the font setting but still facing the same issue.
This has been bugging me for weeks.

A possible clue: I have the developer goodies enabled in Safari, so I can choose an alternate user agent. For example, I can tell Safari-on-my-Mac to identify itself as Safari-on-iOS. Many websites will tailor their content accordingly. In this case, selecting Safari-on-iPhone eliminates this problem.

Unfortunately this means you endure the mobile-format page layouts, which don't look great on a big screen. But it prevents the freezes.

Everything else I've tried--such as clearing caches and cookies--works for a while at best.
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