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macrumors newbie
Original poster
May 16, 2013
Ok, so about a year a go my macbook pro (10.7.2) caught a virus. I have no idea how, but whenever I tried to start it up it said "Suck it, ******". Whatever, I got it fixed, but at the expense of all my documents and programs. This really wasn't too big of a deal, nothing too important was on there. However, the built-in programs such as Garageband, iMovie, and Photobooth were also deleted. The computer has no idea they were ever there. It wasn't a big deal, I'd never really used them, but now I actually need garageband. I want to download it back without having to pay for a program I should've gotten for free. Any suggestions or help is appreciated.

PS- This is my first post, and I don't know if it's in the right area, so if its not, please redirect me, thanks.
Nov 28, 2010
Have you got any grey Restore DVDs with the MBP? If so, check the second one.
If not, register the Mac with your Apple ID on and then go to the Mac App Store (MAS) a day or so later to be able to download GarageBand for free.

As for the "virus", it was none.

Currently there are zero viruses affecting Mac OS X in public circulation, but there are other kinds of malware existing, that can infect your Mac, but that can be avoided via employing the proper security steps without the help of any anti virus software.
To learn more about malware in Mac OS X and what steps can be taken to protect yourself, read the following F.A.Q.:


macrumors 68020
Jun 15, 2012
Ok, so about a year a go my macbook pro (10.7.2) caught a virus. I have no idea how, but whenever I tried to start it up it said "Suck it, ******".
A google search reveals this page as this only record of such a thing. Did you leave your laptop unattended? Might computer-savvy friends have played a joke on you?

Whatever, I got it fixed, but at the expense of all my documents and programs. This really wasn't too big of a deal, nothing too important was on there.
That doesn't sound like a very good fix. Also, if you do value your documents, you should backup.

However, the built-in programs such as Garageband, iMovie, and Photobooth were also deleted.
A backup would help here too. Photobooth was dropped with Lion, I think, so you must have had that from a previous OS.

How old is your MBP? As already said:
If it came with disks, then you should have them. If not, you can buy replacements from Apple for a small sum.
If you bought the MBP with Lion, then you should be able to redownload the apps from the MAS. Alternatively, you may have to reinstall the OS from the Recovery Partition (Command R at startup).
Nov 28, 2010
It is unlikely the OP will ever return, it was probably a post and run moment those 40 hours ago, unless it is an important issue, which most likely it is, due to probably only to my hinged mind obvious reasons, which you alluded to in a way or two.


macrumors newbie
Jan 27, 2013
Milton Keynes, UK
Viruses on the Mac

The only virus I have came across on the mac was laughingly malicious.

It was the SCORES virus, and whilst PC viruses were wiping drives, this little sod found any games on your machine and yep guess what.

Set it self to the highest score. LOL

Cheers fixed1t
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