I had the PERFECT sleeve for an iPad Mini.
Simple black leather with a green felt interior.
NO, notches, straps, geegaws ... Cost me $10.
It & my iPad Mini were recently stolen.
Now I have an iPad Mini 3 .... AND I CAN'T FIND A CASE FOR IT!!
I thought I bought it on Amazon, so I checked my back orders so I could just BUY IT AGAIN. Nope.
Apparently I bought it someplace else.
Then I just googled black leather ipad mini 3 sleeve and all I got back were hits of
folios, smartcases, sleeves with straps & buckles, etc., etc.
The few that were just simple black leather sleeves were upwards of $150-200.
After yet more fruitless searching, I became so desperate, I was gonna get one of superexpensive ones.
But I decided to try here first. Any help at all, please? Just a link will do. Thanks!
Simple black leather with a green felt interior.
NO, notches, straps, geegaws ... Cost me $10.
It & my iPad Mini were recently stolen.
Now I have an iPad Mini 3 .... AND I CAN'T FIND A CASE FOR IT!!
I thought I bought it on Amazon, so I checked my back orders so I could just BUY IT AGAIN. Nope.
Apparently I bought it someplace else.
Then I just googled black leather ipad mini 3 sleeve and all I got back were hits of
folios, smartcases, sleeves with straps & buckles, etc., etc.
The few that were just simple black leather sleeves were upwards of $150-200.
After yet more fruitless searching, I became so desperate, I was gonna get one of superexpensive ones.
But I decided to try here first. Any help at all, please? Just a link will do. Thanks!