I had three problems with the X on launch: 1. Battery life, 2. Screen size, and 3. Face ID. I've dealt with these problems since launch and what I'll say it this: battery life has not gotten any better for me, I still find the screen too narrow for my liking (coming from the Plus models of 6/6s/7/8), but Face ID has grown on me.
Ever since rumors of the Plus size X started, I knew it would definitely address one problem (screen size) and most likely address the second (battery life). So this year I should be far happier with the newest iPhone than I have been since last November. That being said, I was very much against Face ID when it was announced and never thought I would be fully on board. It has grown on me a lot, the only time it irritates me is when I'm laying in bed and want to grab my phone quick but because I'm laying sideways I have to enter the password.