Looking for advice. I am the original owner of a mid-2010 15" i7 2.66GHz MBP (hi-res anti-glare). I used it for 11 years w/o fail until crash problems started in 2021 (possibly due to issues with OS upgrades ??). I managed to keep it going until I bought a new 16" MBP M1Pro (11/2021), but would like to continue using the mid-2010 for other "light duty" tasks, since it seems to work fine after an Erase and fresh install of OS10.13. I purchased a new OWC battery and Crucial MX500 1TB SSD (+SATA cable) for it. Sadly, my unibody case has some pretty bad damage near the magsafe/ethernet ports, so I bought a used "mint" condition ("never used") mid-2010 15" i5 2.53GHz (hi-res anti-glare) as donor for the parts swap. I was planning to swap my i7 logic board, and install the new SSD + battery into the "donor" MBP, but now I'm wondering if maybe using the i5 2.53GHz logic board is a better option (since it's virtually never been used) instead of swapping my i7 2.66GHz logic board. I've looked at performance comparisons between the two MBPs (with equal RAM and HDDs), and the major downside with the i5 is it's ability to "hold up" when it comes to 3D accelerated games, and unless I'm connecting the MacBook Pro to an external 30" Cinema display running at 2560x1600, the i5 2.53GHz with 256MB of video memory will run GPU intensives apps nearly as fast as my i7 2.66GHz with 512MB of video memory. It'd be a heck of a lot less work to just install the new SDD and battery in the "unused" i5 donor, but the "used" i7 has better performance.
2010 MacBook Pro - 256M vs 512M VRAM
real world speed test results for performance minded Macintosh users
MacBook Pro Core i5 and i7 vs others
real world speed test results for performance minded Macintosh users
2010 MacBook Pro - Real World Pro Apps
real world speed test results for performance minded Macintosh users