So the first battery initially worked until I did the whole charge for till charger turns green wait 2 hours, then when I did the drain for 5 hours until battery completely drains, according to some articles and videos, and it never recognized the battery after that. So the extended warranty company just sent a NEW one of the A1377, put it in and at first it wouldn't show charging as it never turned from Amber to Green after a few hours. So I tried powering it on and would only hear 3 beeps but it would never boot up, just keep beeping 3 times. To my surprise when I unplugged the charger it would boot up on battery. But when I plugged the Macsafe cord back in nothing. By searching it said do the PRAM thing and after a few tries, it APPEARS to be working correctly but only a day or two will tell. BTW, why IF a Macbook Air battery completely drains would it not recharge? I have iPhones and iPads that have discharged all the way, but plugging them back up to the charger, makes them charge again and work fine. Only time will tell if it is going to work properly or not. And how does a MacBook Air battery go into a DEEP sleep when I other devices do not?
Thanks for any help on this issue!