There's no option for it in preferences. It could be something written in the theme's code. You can see here, I've switched to the Xenforo style theme and there isn't any dropdown arrow.
There's no option for it in preferences. It could be something written in the theme's code. You can see here, I've switched to the Xenforo style theme and there isn't any dropdown arrow.
edit: I think I understand what you were saying... there's currently no forum option to activate that but the Xenforo theme removed the pulldown so maybe a new theme could be created (by the support folks) that has that info visible.
Thanks for the response. But selecting Xenforo simply removes the pulldown but doesn't display the poster information (join date, messages, reaction score, location). I'd like to see everyone's info in the left column without having to click individually on pulldowns to see that.