I wasn't planning on this at all, but a friend of mine offered to help me pay for this computer as a thank you for helping him move. I was going to wait until redesign, but figured why not go with the time proven design while it is still current.
First question, how much better is the Radeon 575x than the 570x? If the difference is noticeable I will go for the mid spec, might as well get the better processor and ability for 64GB RAM.
Second, what RPM is the HDD part of the Fusion Drive on the 27"? 7200rpm is not bad, but if it's 5400rpm I will just get the 512GB SSD.
Third, what RAM do you recommend I get? For now I will probably get 32GB RAM, but not sure who has the best deal on RAM, it's been a long time since I bought RAM.
Finally, will I be able to install Mojave on a secondary partition? I can imagine the latest version of Mojave has everything I need, but Apple might have put a block in place that I am not aware of.
Thanks to anybody who replies, I haven't purchased an iMac from Apple since fall of 2008, and the last time I configured one was when the Core 2 Duo models came out. I believe I upgraded the video card to 256MB...
First question, how much better is the Radeon 575x than the 570x? If the difference is noticeable I will go for the mid spec, might as well get the better processor and ability for 64GB RAM.
Second, what RPM is the HDD part of the Fusion Drive on the 27"? 7200rpm is not bad, but if it's 5400rpm I will just get the 512GB SSD.
Third, what RAM do you recommend I get? For now I will probably get 32GB RAM, but not sure who has the best deal on RAM, it's been a long time since I bought RAM.
Finally, will I be able to install Mojave on a secondary partition? I can imagine the latest version of Mojave has everything I need, but Apple might have put a block in place that I am not aware of.
Thanks to anybody who replies, I haven't purchased an iMac from Apple since fall of 2008, and the last time I configured one was when the Core 2 Duo models came out. I believe I upgraded the video card to 256MB...