Do you like reading academic journal articles on the new iPad Pro 10.5"?
How well does the new 10.5 inch screen size display academic journal articles in PDF format (stuff from peer reviewed publications from databases like JSTOR, etc. that you would normally print on 8.5"X11" paper?
Previously I found that the 9.7" iPad was good for displaying a single "chapter" book page, the 12.9" good for magazines, two book pages side by side, or the academic journal articles I described. Neither, however, was good for displaying both. The screen was either too big or too small. How does the 10.5" model fare?
How well does the new 10.5 inch screen size display academic journal articles in PDF format (stuff from peer reviewed publications from databases like JSTOR, etc. that you would normally print on 8.5"X11" paper?
Previously I found that the 9.7" iPad was good for displaying a single "chapter" book page, the 12.9" good for magazines, two book pages side by side, or the academic journal articles I described. Neither, however, was good for displaying both. The screen was either too big or too small. How does the 10.5" model fare?