Had a couple of friends with rather large hands who, when they bend their wrist, often touch the sidebutton or digital crown and they often complained to me, since I was the one who convinced them buying one. I can assume some people here have the same issue.
Yet there is a simple fix: when you wear your watch on the left hand, pick right hand during the config. Then put the watch on your left hand. The buttons are now on the other side, where your left hand can't get to them. You can still rather easily reach them with your right hand. It's not 100% perfect, but it will stop the accidental touching.
Yet there is a simple fix: when you wear your watch on the left hand, pick right hand during the config. Then put the watch on your left hand. The buttons are now on the other side, where your left hand can't get to them. You can still rather easily reach them with your right hand. It's not 100% perfect, but it will stop the accidental touching.