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macrumors 68030
Original poster
Sep 2, 2015
Here is the link IPhone 8 to scrap Touch ID because they could not embed it in time under the display.
Instead they will use Facial ID like the Samsung Galaxy phones and Note 7 Facial Recognition.

I won't go into all the details of how less secure Tocuh ID or Facial Recognition is than a good PIN.

That's Not the purpose of Facial Recognition. The real purpose is how annoying it is every time you log into YouTube and YouTube Automatically knows your Liked and Watched videos and suggest annoying Videos You would like. The Purpose of Facial Recognition is that made 100x Worse. Anytime you Stand a a Bank Kiosk with Apple Pay or Stand at any PC or Your friend let's you Borrow their phone. Facial Recognition is there to "Keep track of you for your security" Even if you don't LoG In Apps and Apple know exactly Who is using the Device. Provided you want to use Any of Apples Services and we all use iCloud for Back up they really don't give you a choice.


macrumors Penryn
Aug 31, 2011
Here is the link IPhone 8 to scrap Touch ID because they could not embed it in time under the display.
Instead they will use Facial ID like the Samsung Galaxy phones and Note 7 Facial Recognition.

I won't go into all the details of how less secure Tocuh ID or Facial Recognition is than a good PIN.

That's Not the purpose of Facial Recognition. The real purpose is how annoying it is every time you log into YouTube and YouTube Automatically knows your Liked and Watched videos and suggest annoying Videos You would like. The Purpose of Facial Recognition is that made 100x Worse. Anytime you Stand a a Bank Kiosk with Apple Pay or Stand at any PC or Your friend let's you Borrow their phone. Facial Recognition is there to "Keep track of you for your security" Even if you don't LoG In Apps and Apple know exactly Who is using the Device. Provided you want to use Any of Apples Services and we all use iCloud for Back up they really don't give you a choice.
Soooo…if I told you that my iPhone 6s+ has TouchID, BUT that I don't use it, I use a passcode instead?

What would you say?

Is my iPhone one of the least secure ever?
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macrumors 604
Sep 7, 2010
I'm not buying into these no TouchID rumours, but if it turns out to be true, that might be a deal breaker for me. For me, TouchID is the ideal blend of convenience and security. I'm not sold on facial recognition, and going back to typing in a pin would feel like a huge step backwards.


macrumors 601
Aug 28, 2012
Between the coasts
I also recall months of debate here about the security of Touch ID. Much of the anti-Touch ID argument boiled down to, "Existing fingerprint-verification systems suck, so Apple's will, too." The big paranoid fantasy was finger amputation (haven't heard of any of that happening in the real-life world of Touch ID). I guess decapitation fantasies will be arriving soon.

Of course, any feature that makes it easier to get into a computer (or a bank vault) has the potential to be less secure. The proof, however, is in the execution. We can spin all the fantasies we want, pro and con, about rumored features. Our faith or lack of faith in Apple's abilities will determine our positions in the debate, but nothing can be proven, because it's all speculation.

If it turns out that a facial-recognition feature can match or exceed the level of security provided by Touch ID, I'm going to give it a try. Basic fact of the matter is, if our iPhones, iPads, and Macs come with depth-sensing camera systems, we'll also be able to use hand gestures to control our equipment (among other things). That'll be far more useful than a one-trick-pony fingerprint scanner.


macrumors G3
Jul 24, 2009
If the screen rumours are true then the Touch ID will be on the power button. I can’t see Apple moving away from it.


macrumors G3
Apr 10, 2008
ugh, there's enough rumors floating around about this now that it's making me think Apple is scarpping the touch id....I would really hate for that to happen.


May 3, 2011
As I said in the other thread (had you read it before starting your own), TouchID is a valued asset.

If Apple drops it, it would be a detriment. But I am not buying the redesign iPhone anyway...I'm staying w/my 6s.


macrumors 68000
Oct 22, 2011
Montreal, Quebec
As soon as I saw the headline and "forbes" I knew it was a Gordon Kelly post. What a clickbaity hack that guy is.

When iOS 10.3.3 or 11 come out or some new leak is released, watch him post an article saying how it has a "nasty surprise", his tired and overused catchphrase.

EDIT: At least this time, it was the OP who totally made up the headline... and I have to say Gordon - nasty surprise - Kelly would be proud. Perhaps you can convince him to change his title to yours.
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macrumors 68000
Sep 24, 2014
Dallas, Texas
The thread title is garbage. Especially since everything is based on rumors and extrapolating those rumors to say that the 8 will be not secure is absurd at best.  will work it out.


macrumors 604
Jun 19, 2009
Los Angeles, CA
Let's take a look at why this post is absolute trash.

1. The phone isn't even out yet.
2. Details on the new phone are very sparse.
3. We don't know for certain what will or won't be included.
4. Even if they do remove touch ID, we don't know anything on it's replacement or how secure it is/isn't.
5. Just because one person say it's insecure, doesn't mean it is.
6. Do you enjoy reading clickbait? Because you sure enjoy posting it.
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macrumors Penryn
Aug 31, 2011
Then this site shouldn't allow 90% of the "iPhone X" (insert the 'next', unreleased model for "X") threads....
There's a difference between speculation and exposition about an unreleased device.

Where we get into trouble is that people like the OP take speculation as fact and act on it.


macrumors G4
Oct 31, 2009
Here is the link IPhone 8 to scrap Touch ID because they could not embed it in time under the display.
Instead they will use Facial ID like the Samsung Galaxy phones and Note 7 Facial Recognition.

I won't go into all the details of how less secure Tocuh ID or Facial Recognition is than a good PIN.

That's Not the purpose of Facial Recognition. The real purpose is how annoying it is every time you log into YouTube and YouTube Automatically knows your Liked and Watched videos and suggest annoying Videos You would like. The Purpose of Facial Recognition is that made 100x Worse. Anytime you Stand a a Bank Kiosk with Apple Pay or Stand at any PC or Your friend let's you Borrow their phone. Facial Recognition is there to "Keep track of you for your security" Even if you don't LoG In Apps and Apple know exactly Who is using the Device. Provided you want to use Any of Apples Services and we all use iCloud for Back up they really don't give you a choice.
Neither "credible" nor "least secure" ever are accurate. What a joke.
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