Hi, after I ordered a BTO MBP from Apple Canada Education site, I received an email titled "We're processing your order [order number]". Then, I received two phone calls. Due to lots of recent SPAM, I did not answer. Then, i got a mail titled "Action Required: Order [order number]". It asked me to call an account specialist at 800-506-3096 with an extension number. I called twice. The machine asked me to take a survey about vacation. No mention about Apple. After answering a few questions, I did not respond. Then, my phone got terminated. Called again. Same thing. Then, I went to Apple'site to chat with an agent. The agent asked my name, address and phone number and the order number. Then, he said that I had to call the account specialist. I told him that due to SPAM, I don't take phone calls from strangers. He said that he would ask somebody to call me later yesterday or today. So far, no call. Is this strange? Has anybody encountered this before?