Now that some people are on the public beta and running iOS12 with wOS4 can you test using your Watch w/iPhone on a run, walk or bike ride?
I think the problem is the Watch is not using the iPhone's GPS when connected. For instance I did the following 'test' on a run yesterday. Also will do a run with my iPhone turned OFF to see if it will map (bet it will).
1) Always carry iPhone in fanny pack/Watch Workout app:Outdoor Run with Auto Pause on
2) Started run and then stopped, Watch app Auto-Paused as expected
3) While standing still swing arm (FAUX running) and Workout app started recording
4) While NOT moving (just arm swinging) it was adding distance to my ‘run’ also
Seems GPS data not ‘attaching’ from the iPhone to the Watch and it is just using accelerometer/gyroscope to measure distance/speed.