My LG VELVET 5G T-Mobile battery not lasting very long. Health is ok. It must be the **** load of apps I have installed (750 , don't ask). So I downloaded BetterBatteryStats for 1 dollar (I had a credit normally 2 bucks). But it asks me for these commands so I need to grant access before it works.
adb -d shell pm grant com.asksven.betterbatterystatsandroid.permission.BATTERY_STATS
adb -d shell pm grant com.asksven.betterbatterystatsandroid.permission.DUMP
adb -d shell pm grant com.asksven.betterbatterystatsandroid.permission.PACKAGE_USAGE_STATSc
adb -d shell settings put global hidden_api_policy 1
I tried a windows 11 HP laptop (originally came with 10) and it does not work. No devices found eventhough it is in device manager and on my computer. So I tried mac and no luck either. What am I doing wrong. I downloaded the files from here.
I did terminal and typed in echo $PATH. I could not figure out edit the path. So I just did command and shift and period and went to usr/local and made a bin folder. I copied the stuff there. Now it no longer says adb command not found.
So I tried this again.
adb -d shell pm grant com.asksven.betterbatterystatsandroid.permission.BATTERY_STATS
But this time it says:
Error: no permission specified
What am I doing wrong?
adb -d shell pm grant com.asksven.betterbatterystatsandroid.permission.BATTERY_STATS
adb -d shell pm grant com.asksven.betterbatterystatsandroid.permission.DUMP
adb -d shell pm grant com.asksven.betterbatterystatsandroid.permission.PACKAGE_USAGE_STATSc
adb -d shell settings put global hidden_api_policy 1
I tried a windows 11 HP laptop (originally came with 10) and it does not work. No devices found eventhough it is in device manager and on my computer. So I tried mac and no luck either. What am I doing wrong. I downloaded the files from here.

SDK Platform Tools release notes | Android Studio | Android Developers
Android SDK Platform-Tools is a component for the Android SDK.

I did terminal and typed in echo $PATH. I could not figure out edit the path. So I just did command and shift and period and went to usr/local and made a bin folder. I copied the stuff there. Now it no longer says adb command not found.
So I tried this again.
adb -d shell pm grant com.asksven.betterbatterystatsandroid.permission.BATTERY_STATS
But this time it says:
Error: no permission specified
What am I doing wrong?