uh oh...help?
Ok...so as I fell deeper into the rabbit hole, I ran into that crazy grinning cat. (Make sure you have some hot chocolate and have taken any required bathroom breaks...this is a long post)
1) OS X System partition (50 GB) CHECK
2) Data Partition (200 GB) CHECK
3) Backup Partition (200 GB) ERASED
4) Windows Partition (7 GB) CHECK
5) Unix Partition (7 GB) ERASED
DISCLAIMER ABOUT ANNOYANCE: Yes, I know most people will not find any logic or merit in the fact that I want a separate partition on my hard drive for backup. As it is I do NOT have an external big enough to take a back up of all my data, I do NOT have the money to go out and buy one (I live in India people, remember?) and basically I WANT it to be that way. So please don't argue the validity of my choice, just help me solve the problem instead. THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So anyway...
I made all the partitions in a snap, when rebooting my entire computer. I loaded OS X smoothly on the first partition. I found out that you can't use boot camp (above post) and decided to install window another way. I found out the rEFIt is really only helpful when you are starting up your computer so you can see the different ways to start it.
I tried loading windows from the start up disk and when it got to the part of what drive to install it on, I found out it didn't recognize any of my partitions. Bummer.
Researched on the net for a half an hour trying to find out why it wouldn't recognize my disk partitions.
Decided to load it again for the hell of it. This time it did recognize the partitions, some of them. Partition 1), 2) and 3) showed + an addition 0.1GB partition. 4) and 5) did not show, but instead appeared as unpartioned space.
So I went to create a partition out of the "unpartitioned space" and then heard the chilling sound of windows cackling in my face. Hahahehehahahe. Couldn't do it, apparently there were already too many partitions on the harddrive as it was.
So I deleted the 0.1GB partition...still to many...so I deleted the 3)...now it would let me partition a new place to install windows.
So I made a 7 GB partition and went on my merry way installing windows. Success! I used the installation CD from OS X to install the drivers in windows. Success!
I loaded back into Leopard and saw that instead of my original 5 drives showing on the desktop, there were now only 3 (one of them relabled as BootCamp ironically, seeing as how in the beginning it said that boot camp wouldn't work on my pre-existing partitions)
So I went to disk util to see the extra space and it was registered as "free space" - all 456 GB of it. Curious...
IMPORTANT NOTE AT THIS POINT: My entire harddrive = 500 GB (or more specifically 456 GB)
So I was trying to figure out how to re-format this free space so it can become a usable partition. Again...researching on the net for a while.
I opted for starting the comp up from the OS X install CD again, going into disk util from there and seeing if I could re-format. Alas, there was no option, only the erase disk option ... but I didn't know if that applied to my entire hard drive or only this "free space". Interestingly enough when I clicked on the main harddrive...went to partition and clicked on the separate partitions already recognized, it said that they would NOT be erased.
However, after reading the stories from the internet on erasing free space, I instead chicken out and decided to boot in windows as it is easy to partition disk space from there.
I booted windows and remade the 200 GB partition in the FAT/FAT32 (can't remember which one, don't really care) format and then rebooted in OS X so I could reformat into the Mac OS Extended (Journaled). Reformatting = Success!
Here is the problem now: the reformated partitioned drive (set up to be 200 GB from windows) is showing as 456 GB (along with my other partitons of 50 GB and 200 GB and 7GB). What is going on?
While writing this post I decided not to be a scaredy cat and go back and try the erasing thing from starting up with the OS install disk. That was a mistake.
I went in to disk util and guess what? It only recognized the back up partition now. Ok, so I got scared again and decided to to reboot into Leopard and then I'm not sure of what my plan was after that.
All I know is that I just tried to reboot and low and behold, operating system not found. Yippy kai yay, mf.
Now it's off to reinstalling EVERYTHING AGAIN, for the 4th time since I got my computer.
Are these install CDs meant to hold up for so long????????????
Awaiting your advice on which potion to take or cake to eat to shrink/grow my harddrives to the correct size without causing this lafarda?
How was the cocoa? Good Idea, no?