Free games generally come with ads. The way to end it is to pay for the app.
Seriously, they're not going to give us ways to avoid the ads and still use the games for free, whether they include links to the App Store, or not. I do play free games, and the cost of free play is to deal with closing out of the ads as soon as I can. Sometimes a bit of care with the user interface for the ad may help you avoid the link to the App Store - tap in the right place and you may be able to close the ad without opening App Store. It varies from ad to ad, it's not a setting you can permanently change.
F2P games come with ads because that’s how they monetize. You can’t turn it off the same way you can’t turn off a price of the payed app and make it free.
Some f2p games have the option to turn off ads with in-app purchases, but not all.
Your options are: play premium (not-free) games or play Apple Arcade games that come without ads or in-app purchases but require the Apple Arcade subscription. Arcade games are quite good, and you have one month free trial, so you may want to check that out.
I play Sim City and the ads are annoying but I don't mind them because they give me free in-app crap to use in the game just for pretending to watch the ad lol
I play Sim City and the ads are annoying but I don't mind them because they give me free in-app crap to use in the game just for pretending to watch the ad lol