Okay how much do those run?
I found a black Macbook for $150. I would like to keep the computer under $250 is and leave 100 or 150 to upgrades.
The black is not a definite just looks neat.
So, the mid 2009 or 2010 would be better for pretty mu have everything.
Could I get a 15 inch for around that price?
I found one on Ebay and it says the MLB has failed and needs to be replaced. What is that and how much is that fix?
Thanks for all the help!
Don't get any of the non unibody 15" models, just a fair warning. They have the Nvidia 8600m that is pretty much guaranteed to fail at some point. That's why you will see lots of them on eBay wit failed logic boards. They aren't economical to replace either.
I have one in the family that has somehow survived being a production computer for 7 years, but it's just lucky. The LCD/Keyboard/Trackpad are all on their way out though.
If you want a 15", go with the Late 2008-Mid 2010. They are decently priced. But not that low. I sold my modified (SSD+HDD+8GB) Mid 2010 for $600 on CL late last year. You can get them around $475-$500. But you already have a nice MBP.
$150 for a BlackBook would be acceptable, just make sure it's got lots of pictures and you know the condition. The palm rests are notorious for cracking from the display tabs hitting it over the years. A 128GB SSD and 4GB RAM should run around $60 and $50 ish. Also check out the battery. I put a NuPower one in mine since it was black and it matched the MacBook and wasn't a cheap eBay model.
Also, you might want to grab a copy of Snow Leopard while you can, if you want to run it on there.
If you want something to last a while, grab a 2009-2010. Either style, both are known to crack. Early/Mid 2009 use the same case as the original, the Late 2009-2010 ones are polycarbonate unibody ones. Like a rounded off, plastic 13" MBP.
They run $150 to $300 depending on model and condition. If you can score one for $199/under $200, that's the way to go.
I found my Early 2009 model on eBay from championcomputer for $199 shipped. It was stock 2.0GHz C2D, 9400m, 2GB RAM, 120GB HDD. But I had 4GB DDR2 sitting around, so that was $0 cost to me, and got a 128GB SanDisk SSD for $59. Battery was good and lasts a couple hours. Plays some steam games like TF2 and Portal 2 just fine too. Also rocks Yosemite.
My thoughts were to use it.
I have a Mac book pro 2014 and love it but I have always loved the black mac book.
It would be a project computer that I would more than likely just use for my Computer Science classes.
Thanks for the response!
Going back to this though, if you like the Black because it's unique, and can get one for $150. Then why not? That was the whole reason I got mine. Cool factor.
I also changed the Apple logo to red via the sanding method and some red light film/gel. Adds a personal touch.